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Is this a hunting website or a political site??

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Funny you say the filter works, but you still have to come here read and post.  Which way do you want it?  I think you just like to gripe is all.


I didn't complain once in my prior post, so you'll have to come up with a more relative response than that.


I took a look because this thread is still going on after the filter was in place. Didn't see a need for the continuiation of the thread so I wanted to know why.

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Maybe add a 'Pissing Contest' category where the monitors can move threads like this one and the 'never ceases to amaze me' one when they've gone off topic and become pissing contests to see who'll get the last word.

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You guys do realize that you can filter out the forums you don't want to see not just from your "View New Content" but also from your "Recent Topics" views as well, right?



Thanks, I did not know that. However, that does not help the situation regarding this site's appearance to new people including non-hunters who might view the site out of curiosity. Notice I said non-hunters, not anti-hunters, there is a difference.


I don't think whether youth and/or new hunters seeking a hunting site will be repelled by the appearance of an emphasis on party politics is mute enough to even deserve an argument. Kind of like the claim that shooting a deer with a crossbow is just as difficult as shooting one with a straight bow, recurve or a compound, yet there was heavy participation in that debate and for a long time to boot.


But if you all want to go on and on about how discussions that are irrelevant and controversial enhance a hunting site, go right ahead....

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Things seem to run in cycles here. Just about the time everyone thinks the world is coming to an end for the forum, things have a way of sliding back into perspective and it turns out that the forum is really just fine the way it is.


and that thing is the fact that we're less than 2 months away from doing what we all want to do! time for cams, pre-season work and HUNTING! haha

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One of the things that has made this political forum even more active than usual is the fact that we have been slammed with a 2nd Amendment karate-chop from most of our own legislators. We have a political opportunity coming up to make our displeasure felt. This attack on gun owner's rights has brought on some related ideological discussions. Knowing human nature as I think I do, I believe it is just a matter of time before all of this subsides and everybody gets back to their old priorities. Some see that as good news for the forum, but others see that as bad news for our future. But no matter how you view it, there's no doubt in my mind that all the hub-bub about the political forum will fade away. So fear not .... We survived crossbows, and I have no doubt that the forum will survive this as well....lol.

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Maybe the youngsters should be educated on Party Politics . After all , a lot of them have probably been brain washed by the Liberal teachers .


I will leave that up to you... I will educate a few about hunting and conservation...

Edited by mike rossi
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Simple Doc.  Some of the "traditional" archers will cry foul, accuse of using bait and lights and basically going to the zoo to shoot a deer. Especially if it happens during archery season, and the deer was stolen from a real archer. 

Edited by bubba
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Simple Doc.  Some of the "traditional" archers will cry foul, accuse of using bait and lights and basically going to the zoo to shoot a deer. Especially if it happens during archery season, and the deer was stolen from a real archer. 


I was referring more to the comment that "bet you couldn't have made that shot with a compound". Wont come from me, but it'll come. :gamer:

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I was referring more to the comment that "bet you couldn't have made that shot with a compound". Wont come from me, but it'll come. :gamer:

Ha-ha-ha ..... I thought you might be referring to a comment something like, "Too bad you weren't able to get that with a real bow". Of course a comment like that will never come from me ..... lol.

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