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Just wondering who ate the deer innards


I've never been a fan of liver due to texture , always felt like I was trying to eat a ball of flour (turn out that's a genetic thing in some Europeans I guess.) but always enjoyed things like steak and kidney pie, or beef hearts, meat spreads made from cow tongue, or pig cheeks etc.


long story short, I was reading this :




And got to thinking about how I'm wasting things like the deers tongue, cheeks, kidneys, sometimes heart , always liver etc.


Just figured I'd see if anyone had opinions on the topic.


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Just a side note; Those of you that prefer to think you're partaking of a very lean, low cholesterol meat (venison), stay away from the organs. They are typically super high in cholesterol. Believe this is why most have simply discarded the "gut-pile" over the past couple generations of hunters.


Knowing this...there's nothing better than sliced, fresh venison heart, slow fried with gobs of real butter!! Have tried liver & it's pretty good. Just can't get past the traumatic experience of growing up and being forced to eat the weekly meal of fried liver my dad loved so much. Generally purchased from the grocery store, old, gritty and with a nasty taste. Of course, nothing like fresh deer liver! The rest of the overlooked organs the OP & article refer to, feed the scavengers.

Edited by nyslowhand
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I wouldn't sweat it. The whole 'cholesterol is bad' thing is slowly going away scientifically. Now we have 'good cholesterol', and 'bad cholesterol'.


Fact is, cholesterol (necessary for cell construction) and heart problems have never been empirically linked and people with 'good cholesterol' levels , keel over with heart issues all the time.


Link here to info:




Hey there is only one "Doc" on this site………..

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I love fresh deer liver...IMHO it is much superior to the liver I have eaten from domestic animals.. I only eat it fresh, though...Freezing it has a negative effect on the the texture.


I'm also very fond of heart, and The Mermaid won't eat it, so Pygmy gets it all to himself.


Never had the desire to  eat any of the other innards.

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We really enjoy the liver, sliced thin, rolled in flour  and fried in hot oil or butter.  We always wash it down with generous qualities of red wine to balance things out and neutralize the cholesterol content.  I prepare the heart the same way.  I also use the kidneys in stews, seems to give them an added dimension and a richer flavor. 


WNYBuckhunter,  Do you fry the heart like most of us fry liver or do you have a different recipe?  If you kids like it must be good!


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WNYBuckhunter posted his deer heart fajita recipe last year on the forum and I tried it..

It's so good you'll want to SLAP yo MOMMA !!

Previously I had sliced it, floured it and fried it in butter and I love it that way too...

My Mom did it a different way..Simmered it in water with salt, pepper and bay leaf until done, then cooled it in it's own brine..

When cold, slice it thin and make sandwiches with mayonaise and coarse black pepper... Since NY season opens prior to PA season, I have often taken a deer heart sandwich or two for my lunch to eat in the woods opening day of PA rifle season..YUM !!

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