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Citizens Firearms ARE Being Taken In NY! Believe It!

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This is what is so hard for me to believe.  Having seen what it's like to live in a country where rights do not exist, I cannot fathom how ANY American citizen, gun owner or not, can think there is anything more important than protecting your freedom and challenging oppression.  To be more concerned about trivialities like football stats or Hollywood stars, or even hunting, is a sign the political redirection policies of elected officials are working.


The last thing American politicians want is people paying attention to everything they do.  It's all about power and control.  That power and control is supposed to be in the hands of the citizens, but many don't seem to want it.  When they delegate it to politicians, they are willingly abdicating their rights and freedoms.  Once that happens, they can never get them back.


Totally agree with you. It's not just this, going through facebook sometimes makes me worried for the world my 2 young sons will grow up in. The ignorance and the tiny worlds people live in is disturbing. Their lives are ruined when the internet is out for an hour, or their favorite fictional character dies on a tv show or the refs made a bad call. Meanwhile people are starving all over the world and rights and freedoms are being lost daily.


One of the best things anybody can do is travel. Also live in a different country or  state for a while. Living in the South for a year has really helped enlighten me to different cultures and ways of thinking, whether i agree with them or not.


What we can do is continue to try and educate without being overbearing. I believe this is where religious people fall short some times. They're so in your face it turns people off.


Mr. VJP, I support and agree with your messaging. I just think you're preaching to the coir here.


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Yeah, and at your behest and desire it would seem. Don't make us lol with your pallid attempt at laying this issue at someone else's doorstep. This is not the first time you have attempted to shut down opinions you don't like. We've noticed you know.


"we've noticed" lol.


What part of reading did you fail at? I don't disagree with your opinions. I'm not alone in just asking you to chill out with the bombarding of it.

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I bet Cuomo's "nobody needs 10 bullets to kill a Deer" speech, had many many people nodding their heads in agreement, and that probably included hunters and casual gun owners as much as it did anti gun people...and that was on every major News Station in NY and probably in many neighboring States............I can't think of one rebuttal on any media outlet that reached as wide of an audience, how many people did not even stop and think for one second what it really meant?...I bet not too many, and sadly, at this point I think that opportunity is gone.


You are right on target with that. I cannot believe how many people use that "nobody needs 10 bullets" as a major talking point. Very often they leave off the "to kill a deer" portion, believing that 10 (or less) is some magic number that will save mankind.


The problem with rebuttals is they do not work. In my experience, once someone gets this mantra in their head, they treat is as some sort of divine insight. Speaking with these people can be very frustrating.




I don't have any way to post the actual legislation here right now. It says, in summary, that if a licensing official or a mental health official declares you unfit to hold a pistol license, you are required to surrender all firearms to the state. Page 32 of the SAFE act legislation.

The reasoning behind such declarations is essentially left open to the discretion of the officials making the charge, although I don't happen to have the 'mental hygiene health code for the state of NY' in front of me. I don't know what might be in place to restrain the 'discretion' of these officials, especially a mental health professional, in these actions. Could be they just don't like your pants or something and maybe that's enough.

So, don't get on the bad side of your government and don't tell your doctor anything and you'll probably be fine. See how this works?

It's basically a form of low-level terrorism and it's very effective.



Page numbers change depending on the source. It is under the section "11. License: revocation and suspension."


Again, I can understand how NYSP would like to interpret this section in a sweeping manner. However, the way it reads and the context of the section's paragraphs a-c all point to due process (judge's ruling, felony conviction). The "mental health" qualification (paragraph c does leave some room for interpretation, but the MHL section it refers to is clear regarding specific threats/suicide attempt. 


I think many of us agree that safe is poorly written. This section, IMO, is just as bad on that point. I don't know if the intent was to remove all guns from someone who simply failed to dot the "i" on their pistol paperwork. The way this section is actually worded, to me, leave some room.


Again, what they actually plan to do is another thing entirely. The NYSP guide that was quoted is clear that they plan to take all guns. For most people, the legal battle to fight this section will cost far more than the cost of replacing the guns. The fact that you can legally replace those guns immediately after surrendering your old ones, to me, makes fighting the surrender an easy win in court. In other words, regardless of how you want to read the section, it is effectively meaningless (for those who can pass a NICS check).



edit - this forum does not like the letter "c" in parenthesis. :)

Edited by jrm
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