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Makes me laugh ...it's good for you...it's bad for you...now it's good for you again...

We have gone back to the cycle where coffee will keep you long lived through a healthier heart /vascular system...This made me go back and search through the medical research....Studies not done properly(taking into account smokers)...hasty gathering of info...ect..ect


Good thing about aging...I now have enough time to form my own conclusions...coming from a family of people that drank crazy amounts of coffee...and no heart disease...knowing families life long that weren't coffee drinkers and had not only heart disease but skin cancer and several other cancers...I tend to think coffee may not be as bad as they thought in past studies..

Though unless doing genetic testing on ppl I know or the ppl these studies use...... whos to know predispositions to any of those things anyways...lol..... in the end it will probably be the pesticides that get you any how....

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Actually they say if I recall 3-5 cups a day...personally I can only handle 2-3...one study said copious amounts protect against several types of cancers...That made me wonder...a scientific study and the best they could tell was "copious" amounts...Just hit's a funny bone, while I'm cooking my eggs... ;)

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16oz of fresh black coffee every day. Nothing else in it. I buy beans roasted within a day or two from Whole Foods. I ground right before brewing and pour over ice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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People do have rituals to their coffee drinking..not all but I believe many...I had an uncle that could not drink his coffee until he poured the first sip into the saucer and drank it from there...then he would drink from the cup...even at restaurants...Never did find out why. I have a thing about coffee cups I won't drink my coffee out of any other cup but two at the house and our daughter has the same cups at her house for me. Pretty much a milk to coffee ratio thing...

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I like my coffee hot. That cold stuff they sell now sucks.


Depends on my mood.  Most of the time I like them hot, light, and sweet but some times I like them cold, dark, and bitter.


Oh, and I like my coffee with milk and sugar.

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