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How About an Official 2015 Gardening Thread?y

wildcat junkie

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Picked another dinners worth of spinach...God it is so good!...lettuce is just about ready but the cold rains rotted out some beans and summer squash only one hill made it and some bush beans are peeking through.  I'm not sure on the blue hubbard...the beets and cukes are peeking through and swisschard looks great...all the peppers /tomatoes are recovering from the cold temps and adding growth and the brassica are growing great! carrots are slow ,as usual...Tilled the rest of the garden yesterday...spots for fall plants, corn and the melons/squash.I am also setting up a bed for strawberries in the garden next year....need to find some clean straw for the  plants that vine. Eggplant is doing well...Geez we had best have a late summer...Killed one ant hill with the DE but now red ants are popping up all over ...stinking things I can't kill em all...I reall try to avoid spraying unless I have to but looks like the Selven and spray tank are coming out.


BTW that late freeze did get a bunch of the apples,pears and plum ...cherries are looking OK and the kiwi look pretty good...grapes are just recovering in the leaf department and that's all.

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We had great apples last year...but now all the apples that started to develop are dropping of the trees...lots of shriveled up leaf matter falling off all the trees from that freeze..I had great plums and pears...most are all gone now same with the peaches and blueberries.

Edited by growalot
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Well I was partially wrong about plums only a few trees were hit hard...and not so wrong with most apples...wrong with the kiwi, its loaded...So the garden...Well I'm still planting but it is on the verge of quick sand with all the rains.I tried to plant more cabbage today along with wax beans acorn and butternut squash...I weeded a bit and put down some preen...the weed seed is germinating like mad...But after going to the gym...I could only get the eggplant ,cabbage and sweet peppers weeded...I still have corn and pumpkins plus the rest of broccoli to plant...peas are flowering and swiss chard is almost ready...

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