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Hey everyone. Wanted to say thanks for the kind comments on our hunting pictures.

Seems like no matter where or what u do there's always critics and negative people that have to give there 2 cents , when they don't need to say anything at all.

And to answer ur questions, we have a very small client base. We only bought the place 5 years ago. And we are trying to turn it into a true trophy camp. So people aren't going with the hopes of killing a giant bear then shooting a 5 foot bear like 85% of places u can get a guided hunt. We don't care about money so the camp isn't for us to just kill any bear , we take 5-6 guys a year max, and every guy is shooting a 6.5-7 foot bear and they know they actually are getting a true trophy.

Our average skull size in last 3 years is now at 20.5 inches. We shot a 19.5" 6' 10, a 7' 5" , 22.5, and a 7' 2" 21.5" last year. We only has 5 guys and 2 guys wounded bears. This year we only had 1 of my buddies come up as we had a bunch of upgrades to do and there were a lot of fires in the area. We still baited but only ended up shooting 1 bear, my buddy is after a huge chocolate and didn't end up seeing him till 3 days after season . So he is coming back next year. We have a lot of coloured bears almost 1 at every bait. and as for the guy in pictures it's myself with some of the hunters bears and 2 bears are my own. And no I'm not tiny, 6' 245 lbs. I tried weighing my big 7' 5" bear and he broke the scale, it only went to 550 lbs and when I put him on he busted the ancor and scale . So no idea but there huge . Over 550lbs. I'd say average is like 350-400. all I want is my clients getting a true trophy there happy with not questioning after around the camp fire. Our hunt prices are on our site and any other info if anyone's interested.

Thanks black bay outfitters

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 we have a very small client base.

that's what we were saying, they are very small clients......


Thanks jjb! I read this and spit beer all over my monitor laughing.





On a serious note, I did check the website. Looks like nice fishing as well. Good luck with growing the clients, shouldn't be too hard.

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No jabs here just an observation...when advertising as an outfitter....seeing your just starting out........ post pictures of the hunting client with the animals they took. Not a picture of you with the animal. It, IMO, would more than likely go over better...Good Luck

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