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They are counting on the fact that ppl aren't going to burn an either or tag on a doe...and if that isn't the case...as I have said in the high density areas that is doe only  if you hunt two areas  than you have only 1 tag to use in the time they want these doe shot...they make less sense...They could have said bow hunters go for your DMPS...but use your either or in the specific doe only area in that 2 wk span and we will issue you a buck tag  to use the rest of the season.... that way they give the bow hunter incentive to hunt(maybe,not me, but some)and get a deer count early.

Ya know, even a bad plan mentioned on this forums has been better then the  cluster ....they created...


first I say this separate from what they've implemented and in no way mean to justify any of it.  some still don't get that I'm against what they did but whatever.  in talking with DEC I've been told they don't expect you to fill an either sex in the first two weeks unless you're willing.  they do fully expect you to first fill your normal antlerless bow/ml tag and then fill any DMAP or DMP tags.  if you fill a DMP or DMAP first and don't get another opportunity before regular season your left with your bow/ml antlerless burning a hole in your pocket until late season.  aside from this it came across as they aren't really concerned setting yourself up for future opportunity so much as taking any and every advantage to legally fill tags with doe.  the biologist even encouraged the crowd to shoot doe fawns when he was specifically told before hand it'd be a heated topic to bring up.  this was in a WMU that isn't considered one of the over populated ones, but some hunter/landowners said they had lots of deer in they're little "pocket" of the WMU.  he then said they're not really at all concerned with who shoots what buck and when.  they really only care about numbers; too many, too few, or just about right. seemed like they're concern was population control and they couldn't wrap their head around why a hunter would pass on the opportunity to fill a doe tag early bow season.  on these forums we've seemed to think of many legit reasons, both personal or otherwise logic based.  I understand the need for encouragement for the general hunting population, but not at the expense of screwing them out of opportunity.

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I don’t know how many of you who are over analyzing the first two weeks of the bow season and the ML season actually hunt in one of the wmu’s.
I hunt 8G and nothing has change for me on what tags I’m going to use to put on the doe I’m going kill. I use my 8G DMP doesn’t matter if i kill the doe on the 1st or last day. Then on Nov.1st I’ll get another 8G dmp and put the next doe on that 8g dmp. I use my ether sex tag for a buck and my doe tag(bow ML) when I hunt 9p or 8m. the only thing that changed for me is I can’t kill a buck in the 1st 2weeks, not a big deal.

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i don't really think it's the end of the world, but I think it does suck not being able to shoot a buck if the opportunity is there.  it's ridiculous that DEC's using it to reduce the population.  it's just not the way to get the needed results of more doe hitting the dirt.  I hunt 4J which is one of the areas and actually unique to the ones in western ny in that you only have a bow to hunt with.  can't pick up any other implement, crossbow included.

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