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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/24 in Posts

  1. Aren't they remarkable animals? I have seen a couple of deer that have had legs shot off and still able to keep up with other deer that are running away. I shot one that was missing a front leg and it had skin grown over the wound and was one of the fattest deer I have ever shot. Just amazing. I am wondering if these kinds of long slices are from buck fights.
    3 points
  2. Did someone just come out of a Coma ? No one has been able to join for some time . WNYBuckhunter and I have both contacted Burmjohn , the site owner , with no luck . Burmjohn is the only one that can open the door and let new people join the site . It's all up to him .
    3 points
  3. Got some pictures of a few survivors . Didn't shoot the fawns and several made it through the season . The camera date and time is correct .
    2 points
  4. Remember that picture someone shared this is very similar. Check out the healing power of deer! From a FB site.
    2 points
  5. I would have thought it was a union job except there is not enough people standing around.
    2 points
  6. Oops!! somebody didn't get the memo
    1 point
  7. Town of Kent Putnam County Ice Rescue: On Jan. 20 at 2:47 p.m., Forest Ranger Lieutenant Ashida was in the parking lot at White Pond talking to anglers about measuring the thickness of the ice when an angler ran over reporting someone nearby had just fallen through the ice. Lieutenant Ashida grabbed a personal flotation device and a throw bag and ran to the location. A nearby angler had already successfully pulled the 65-year-old from Patterson out of the water. Lieutenant Ashida helped walk the subject to his car and met Ranger Cowart and members of the Kent and Kent Cliff Fire Departments. Ranger Cowart helped the subject out of his wet clothes and into a sleeping bag for warmth. The subject was checked out by EMS and declined further medical care. Resources were clear at 3:37 p.m.
    1 point
  8. Dad and many of his and earlier generation were much more social hunters....They liked being outdoors and getting together with their friends, but were not any where near as avid as many (but fewer) hunters are today. I had the bug from an early age. I am amazed by the other hunters I know who have never taken thier kids out. But they probably spend more time with their kids doing other things...soccer, baseball, etc.
    1 point
  9. Burmjohn is the owner / Admin of this site . He posts on facebook and is still alive .
    1 point
  10. Forgive my ignorance, please, but who's burmjohn?
    1 point
  11. Took a walk with my Airedale Harleigh to see if we could bag as the old timers would say a "Patridge", a Hare or a Squirrel would make due. Took out one of my favorite shotguns, an LC Smith side by side double. We had a good hunt, Harleigh flushed a Grouse but I only heard it, no chance for a shot. She then made a tree on a Squirrel, she did a good job sticking with it as it timbered through three different trees before I could get a good shot and knock it out to her. We had a great time old Harleigh and I. Al
    1 point
  12. Buck fights, bad shot with an arrow maybe barb wire?
    1 point
  13. I didn't see that as a reason-for-hunting in the other topic on why we hunt. Is that what it is all about?......recognition? Do we need recognition for our hunting achievements? Maybe so. If that's the case nothing we can do in hunting will ever satisfy new hunters because the general public really doesn't give a damn how big the deer are that we get. Quite the opposite. You are more likely to get spit on for killing Bambi.....lol.
    1 point
  14. I certainly did have a good hunt! Although I missed 2 hare ..bad shooting yes yes.. My 10 year old beagle showed he can still bring a hare around to me despite semi crappy conditions. I helped him out by finding the track several times under pines. He ran 3 hare today and the last one went far . At one point I thought he jumped a deer since he was running across an open area. But alas it was that wascaly hare trying to evade him and myself. He logged 18.75 miles in 2 days. I probably walked in snowshoes and without; 8 miles or more! I'll be back there. Twice the hares ran by my car . I could've stayed there dang it! Next trip may be soon . I just like that tug hill serenity.
    1 point
  15. NY has some of the longest hunting seasons in the country, and absolute gobs of public access for hunting. That doesnt even bring in that you cant throw a rock without hitting fishable waters. Politics aside, I dont think it has any bearing on hunting parents getting their kids /friends kids, whoever, out in the woods. The barrier is the parents ...my generation and my sons, who have moved from being a participant in sports to a spectator. Hunters...recreational hunters, do not have any difficulty obtaining legal hunting arms or ammunition in reasonable quantities for hunting. Avid target shooters, competitors, etc. feel the sting with limited supply much more.
    1 point
  16. I believe that one was in Michigan
    1 point
  17. I actually think that the answer is simple and impossible to address at the same time: increase property access. If kids can't find a place to hunt, then everything else becomes window dressing. And has become the norm in this country, there's an increasing divide between the haves and have-nots
    1 point
  18. Checking my traps yesterday two deer let me get 20 feet from them on the quad. I agree with you they get used to it and doesn't bother them.
    1 point
  19. You touched upon an important aspect of my hunting as it has evolved. First those big bucks I targeted were never on camera I saw them in the woods. Second driving 6 hrs limits hunting time. I probably would of shot a very respectable buck and NOT have gone after those two bucks. Like I said being in the woods 95% of the time opens your eyes to some really special animals. I'm very lucky where I hunt and always seem to run into a giant every season. If I caught wind of one of them early in the season, while still traveling to hunt, I would target that buck. But knowing I'll run out of time a decent buck would hit the ground last weekend. We shot 3 real nice ones this year. I remember Steve saying thats pretty amazing most folks don't have that opportunity. I was at the Taxi the other day he asked why I didn't bring in any deer to mount. I'm 60 have some real nice ones on the wall. I told him next buck I bring in will have to score over 140-150. He was actually working on a 157 shot right down the road from me. I saw it alive. That's what it has to be. Now I will never ever belittle a hunter over the animal they shoot. Your tag your choice but I have manage to see how QDM in the right area will increase your chances at a really nice buck if that is what you choose to hunt. The girls and guys that hunt my property also have seen that. I ask everyone before opening day to try to better their biggest buck and not to shoot yearlings. Shit happens I don't get upset, I just want them to have a great experience. I can remember one of the guys could only make opening week. Loves venison so I told him you can do whatever you want. I wouldn't be a dick about it. He took a spike and a yearling Doe. He had a smile on his face when he left and I felt good also. So after a long story I'll make it short. I probably would shoot a smaller buck if my time was limited being 6 hrs away. When I say smaller buck I mean a real big 6 or handsome 8 or 10!
    1 point
  20. As mentioned by others the consistency is more important than the thickness in one area. But here is a good guide:
    1 point
  21. It bothers me to hear anyone here celebrating the fact that some of the more controversial members are now gone. Yes, I know there are some that work at being controversial, but some of those people have also been responsible for the site maintaining opposing viewpoints that provided a complete discussion of the issues that we outdoors-people frequently encounter. This site grew from controversy. I have watched what has made this site become one of the most outstanding NYS hunting and fishing forums from the day of its inception to its high point. I have watched the place grow from nothing, and I know what made this forum work. It would be a shame to have the site neutered because people become afraid to express their opinions, feeling they will be labeled as "pot-stirrers" and such. The site has lost some of it's spirit and interest lately. Maybe we could use a little pot-stirring. Let's not choose to run away like others have done, but let's also be a bit more tolerant of opposing opinions and even encourage discussion and controversy.
    1 point
  22. I couldn't explain what it is like without tying up the entire forum. Sad part is... it isn't just us. All across the state people are getting boned by their insurance companies on a regular basis. I and others are trying the best we can to get these bills moving and passed into law as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our lawmakers don't feel an urgency on this issue or many other issues that would benefit the common person. Sad state of affairs
    0 points
  23. It is not just our company but we are finding out ours is one of the worst. New Yor Central Mutal Fire Insurance Company better known as NYCM. After a zoom meeting yesterday with several individuals and a senate representative we discovered the primary reason the bills have not been advanced is because lobbyist for the insurance companies have been lobbying against them. That means a portion of all of our premiums are being used to pay lobbyist to fight against laws that would help the insured. So basically, we are paying them to stick it to us.
    0 points
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