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  • Hunting Location
    Erie County
  • Hunting Gun
    Cva Accura

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  1. Thank you to everyone that responded. Even though I didn’t get an opportunity to pull the trigger, it was great getting out.
  2. Pretty much my thought too. It’s a good way to lessen the recoil, be legal and still get out there. Obviously saying, .223 is not my first or anywhere near best choice. Short distance and good bullet selection paired with good shot placement will make for a quick, clean ethical harvest.
  3. It’s a very slippery slope, as im sure is done for a reason. As far as i can tell, im legal. However, there always seems to be something tucked away and in lawyers terms that the common man will overlook. Again, im sure is vague for a reason.
  4. Perfect. I have a few five rounders and will go that route. Thank you for your response. Never had an issue with dec and certainly wanna avoid any issues. Good luck tomorrow. Nail a hoss.
  5. Hello All, New to the forum and have a question. Screwed up my shoulder yesterday and cannot shoot anything with decent recoil for at least this weekend. I live in erie county and am law enforcement. That being said, ive been considering hunting this weekend with my ar-15 pistol that is on my permit. Since the assault weapon safe act garbage luckily doesn’t apply, there’s still conservation law. I have been looking over the rules and regulations in the guide and cannot see any reason at all im not legal to use it to hunt deer with a 5 round magazine. There are no caliber restrictions and as earlier stated, safe act in my particular situation doesn’t have any bearing. My weapon is also federally legal and meets the definition of a pistol being under 26” over all length as well as a length of pull measured from trigger face to buttstock at under 13.5”. Also, yes its a small caliber, this i know. Shots are inside of 50 yards and an using a 77 grain barnes bullet. I called two of the local dec agents and am awaiting a phone call back. Anything im missing that you guys can pick up on?? Thank you for any and all help. Much appreciated.
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