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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. My first deer rifle was a 7.7 Jap Arisaka, that was sporterized with a scope, Fajen stock and barrel cut to 24". It shoots deer as well as any .30 caliber deer rifle with a velocity around 2400 fps. I still have this rifle today. I still take it deer hunting on occasion too. I've found when loaded with good 150 grain bullets driven at 2500 fps, it is very effective on whitetail out to at least 200 yards, which is the farthest I've ever taken a deer with it. I have no doubt it could take a deer at 300 yards if given the opportunity to prove itself.
  2. I feel the choice of cartridge should be determined more by the hunting conditions, than the game hunted. The type of terrain, as well as the distance shots will be taken, requires consideration. You need enough energy, in a properly constructed bullet, to perform correctly when it hits the target. Small caliber bullets at high speed, aren't an optimal fit for close range woods hunting. And a flat shooter, retaining energy at distance, will be a better choice for long shots than a big, slow moving bullet. I like to examine the conditions, then decide what options I have. Every option will have a number of advantages, as well as disadvantages. My choice will be decided by the round that has the most advantages, and the least amount of disadvantages, when the moment to pull the trigger arrives. I realize many hunters must limit the number of firearms they have, for various reasons. Those hunters do well to select a rifle that will be adequate for all the hunting they do. The trouble with having few options to choose from is, no matter what firearm is selected, it is always some what of a compromise. In this case, choosing the one with the least amount of compromise for most of the hunting done, will be the best choice. If you really get into it, making a good choice requires quite a bit of consideration and should not be decided without giving it a lot of thought. Not doing so seems to be the major reason many hunters go from firearm to firearm, seeking to find the one that really satisfies them.
  3. Grandfathers Know Everything .... Hunter was 4 years old and was staying with his grandfather for a few days. He'd been playing outside with the other kids, when he came into the house and asked, 'Grandpa, what's that called when two people sleep in the same bedroom and one is on top of the other?' His Grandpa was a little taken aback, but he decided to tell him the truth. 'Well, Hunter, it's called sexual intercourse.’ ‘Oh,’ Little Hunter said, 'OK,' and went back outside to play with the other kids. A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily, 'Grandpa, it isn't called sexual intercourse,. It's called Bunk Beds , And Jimmy’s mom wants to talk to you.'
  4. A firearm is just a tool. When the right tool is applied to the job, it will get it done, if the shooter is skilled in it's application. I believe the correct firearm for deer is one that has enough energy, behind a properly constructed bullet, but not so much recoil that it makes accuracy difficult. There are many that fit this description. If you want knock down power, a 1955 Buick traveling at highway speed, will do it every time.
  5. The Department of the Interior violated federal laws when it created a final regulation allowing wind energy and some other companies to obtain 30-year permits to kill protected Bald and Golden Eagles without prosecution by the federal government. http://www.theoutdoorwire.com/story/1439442228z2jpkhrcfv9
  6. Today I saw Bernie announced we all need to apologize for slavery. Then what, reparations? Doesn't sound like he supports the "working man" in America to me. Just what we need. Another "Apologizer in Chief". It proves he will blame America for lots of things and not see it as exceptional. Is this what the country needs right now?
  7. Some people are very angry with America, feeling they've gotten a raw deal in life. They want an evil enemy to blame for their troubles and economic status. These people are very susceptible to the propaganda from Leftist Socialists because they believe their plans will make life better for them. They are swallowing the lies with gusto because they want to believe them. God forbid, their hopes for socialism in America are ever realized. They will not like what they asked for and will not be able to rescind the decision once it takes hold. Anyone who really thinks it's a better system should move to a country that suffers under that system and live it for at least a year. They will learn more in one year than any college could teach them in four.
  8. Did you all notice when the guy said the ammo costs $40 a round? $40 a round!! WTH are they thinking?
  9. Bernie just announced he wants to work with the "Black Lives Matter" criminals, to reinvent policing in America. How's that for demonstrating leadership? People revolt and you reward them to buy their votes. I do not think American Police organizations will be endorsing Bernie. BTW, those cops are part of the working class and belong to unions. The very base Bernie says supports him. I can only imagine how he will deal with terrorists.
  10. I don't think it's a scope issue. Just to be sure I'd remove the scope and see what happens when shooting with the iron sights.
  11. What is the point of this extreme chambering? Are there Brontosaurus to be killed somewhere? http://www.mrctv.org/blog/you-need-see-these-guys-fire-largest-center-fire-rifle-ever-made
  12. Bernie's plan is no secret. It's a "tax the rich to pay for America's ills" plan that he calls fair. The people affected by it would call it theft. It's the opposite of what free enterprise is supposed to reward. It's also not the end of what Bernie is willing to do to institute his version of "fairness", or what Socialists consider "equality". That's what his supporters don't see now, but will be very shocked by when they find out. Ten Fair Ways to Reduce the Deficit and Create Jobs (by Bernie Sanders) Republicans in Washington, D.C. want to balance the budget by slashing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, education and other federal programs that millions of Americans rely upon. (this is fear mongering BTW and not even close to true) I have a better idea. At a time when we are experiencing more wealth and income inequality than at any time since the 1920s, and when Wall Street and large corporations are enjoying record breaking profits, I believe that we should be asking the very wealthiest people in this country to start paying their fair share of taxes. That way, we will not only lower the deficit but we will bring in enough revenue to invest in our economy and create the millions of new jobs we desperately need. (Bernie LOVES taxes and will continue to come back for more) From both a moral and economic perspective, we must not balance the budget on the elderly, the children, the sick, working families, and the most vulnerable. (Nobody wants that, but Sanders wants EVERYONE to feel more pain, except the Big Government) Here are 10 examples of how we can raise revenue and reduce spending in a fair way. (raise Revenue is code for TAXES) Stop corporations from using offshore tax havens to avoid U.S. taxes. Each and every year, the United States loses an estimated $100 billion in tax revenues due to offshore tax abuses by the wealthy and large corporations. The situation has become so absurd that one five-story office building in the Cayman Islands is now the “home” to more than 18,000 corporations. (Why not stop taxing corporations into exile instead? His plan will just entice more to leave) The wealthy and large corporations should not be allowed to avoid paying taxes by setting up tax shelters in Panama, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas or other tax haven countries. The first bill that I introduced in the Senate (the Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act) would raise more than $580 billion over the next decade by eliminating the most egregious corporate offshore tax haven abuses. (No, it will simply cause a lot of wealthy Americans to leave the country, give up their citizenship and take their money with them. The taxes collected would then drop) Establish a Robin Hood tax on Wall Street speculators. Both the economic crisis and the deficit crisis are a direct result of the greed and recklessness on Wall Street. Creating a speculation fee of just 0.03 percent on the sale of credit default swaps, derivatives, options, futures, and large amounts of stock would reduce gambling on Wall Street, encourage the financial sector to invest in the job-creating productive economy, and reduce the deficit by $352 billion over 10 years, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. (Punitive taxes never ENCOURAGE anything but avoidance) End tax breaks and subsidies for big oil, gas and coal companies. If we ended tax breaks and subsidies for big oil, gas, and coal companies, we could reduce the deficit by more than $113 billion over the next ten years. (At the expense of the consumers in higher energy prices and taxes) The five largest oil companies in the United States have made over $1 trillion in profits over the past decade. Exxon Mobil is now the most profitable corporation in the world. Large, profitable fossil fuel companies do not need a tax break. (They need those profits to reinvest in future energy exploration and capital assets like new refineries. Profits are currently high because the government will not let energy companies invest in new capital assets like refineries) Establish a Progressive Estate Tax. If we established a progressive estate tax on inherited wealth of more than $3.5 million, we could raise (STEAL) more than $300 billion over 10 years. In 2010, Sen. Sanders introduced the Responsible Estate Tax Act that would reduce the deficit in a fair way while ensuring that 99.7 percent of Americans would never pay a penny in estate taxes. (Class Warfare-Eat The Rich) Tax capital gains and dividends the same as work. Taxing capital gains and dividends the same way that we tax work would raise (STEAL) more than $500 billion over the next decade. Warren Buffet has often said that he pays a lower effective tax rate than his secretary. The reason for this is that the wealthy obtain most of their income from capital gains and dividends, which is taxed at a much lower rate than work. Right now, the top marginal income tax for working is 39.6%, but the top tax rate on corporate dividends and capital gains is only 23.9%. (How about we just lower taxes on income?) Repeal all of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax breaks for the top two percent. In January, Congress finally repealed the Bush tax breaks for the top one percent – households (actually small businesses with family owners, not rich people with lots of cash) making more than $450,000 a year. But the Bush tax breaks have been continued for the top two percent – households with incomes between $250,000 and $450,000 a year. (same small businesses) Repealing the Bush tax breaks for all of the top two percent would (kill thousands of small businesses that create jobs and not) reduce the deficit by about $400 billion over the next decade. After President Clinton increased taxes on the top two percent, the economy added over 22 million jobs. After President Bush reduced taxes for the rich, the economy lost over 600,000 private sector jobs. (False information derived from creative accounting and used for fear mongering and raising taxes. How does taking more in taxes from small businesses leave them more money to add employees and invest in capital equipment? It doesn't) Eliminate the cap on taxable income that goes into the Social Security Trust Fund. If we are serious about making sure that Social Security can pay all of the benefits owed to every eligible American for the next 50 to 75 years, we don’t do that by cutting benefits, we do that by scrapping the cap on taxable income so that a millionaire and a billionaire pays the same percentage of their income into Social Security as someone making $40,000 or $50,000 a year. Right now, someone who earns $113,700 a year pays the same amount of money in Social Security taxes as a billionaire. This makes no sense. Applying the Social Security payroll tax on income above $250,000 would ensure that Social Security remains solvent for the next 50 years. This plan would only impact the wealthiest 1.3 percent of wage earners; 98.7 percent of wage earners in the United States would not see their taxes go up by one dime. (Once again Class Warfare. The rich do not get anymore from SS than the rest of us based on what they put in) Establish a currency manipulation fee on China and other countries. As almost everyone knows, China is manipulating its currency, giving it an unfair trade advantage over the United States and destroying decent paying manufacturing jobs in the process. If we imposed a currency manipulation fee on China and other currency manipulators, the Economic Policy Institute has estimated that we could raise $500 billion over 10 years and create 1 million jobs in the process. (China will surely be more than happy with this. I'm sure they will send us buckets of cash if we just ask. LOL!) Reduce unnecessary and wasteful spending at the Pentagon, which now consumes over half of our discretionary budget. Much of the huge spending at the Pentagon is devoted to spending money on Cold War weapons programs to fight a Soviet Union that no longer exists. Lawrence Korb, an Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan, has estimated that we could achieve significant savings of around $100 billion a year at the Pentagon while still ensuring that the United States has the strongest and most powerful military in the world. (Never allow a Socialist to determine what is needed for defense, unless you don't want to be defended at all.) Require Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry. Requiring Medicare to negotiate drug prices, similarly to what the VA currently does, would save more than $240 billion over 10 years. (Is the VA currently a good example of a government agency that is doing things right and putting veteran's first? What do you think Medicare will do for America's elderly?) Sander's will "fix" everything, by taking control of everything, and taxing ALL Americans at 50% to 70% of their earnings with income taxes, higher costs for goods and services, and "fees" for everything. No Thanks The problem isn't America doesn't tax enough. The problem is America spends too much.
  13. Junkie, show me how any of Sander's policy proposals will do anything to lower the poverty levels in this land. All he plans to do is give them more "free" stuff at our expense to allay their poverty. It's a big government perpetual care proposal, not a way of curing the ills. Perpetual care is for graves, not for free men.
  14. This is a great article from ADKBH's as well. Everyone should read it. When Hunters attack hunters "The moments that hurt the most is when a hunter, conservationist, or pro-hunting personality does the same thing that anti-hunters are doing to us. It’s an inside job. It’s sad. And it happens more than what you might expect." http://adirondackbowhunters.com/2015/04/08/guest-blogger-julie-mcqueen-when-hunters-attack-hunters/
  15. I can't wait until the truth about where his money is coming from comes out. People who support Sanders do not understand American Economics at all and are mostly too young, in body or in mind, to teach it to them. There are no laws against Socialism in America. If Americans are stupid enough to vote for it, they deserve it! My way would be a political system that actually upholds the US Constitution, and that is definitely not Sanders. Sanders will bring us closer to Soviet politics than anyone else on the current candidate stage. Move to Canada or one of those Socialist countries if you are so enamored with their system. Leave those of us who appreciate freedom here to enjoy it without the whining and complaining American Socialists love to do.
  16. He's owned by the entire Socialist world! He has no business even being in this country with that political philosophy.
  17. No. We set up a system that protects your rights, assumes your innocence, requires a preponderance of proof and allows a person some legal recourse if they happen to become a victim of the system that might morph into a gun grabbing scheme. That's the way the criminal justice system currently works for violent criminals. Why would we do less for people accused of mental incompetence by the very government that has a vested interest in seeing people disarmed?
  18. Programs like this often start out with the best of intentions. Somehow, over the years, they get corrupted.
  19. "Most Americans aren't the sort of citizens the Founding Fathers expected; they are contented serfs. Far from being active critics of government, they assume that its might makes it right." —columnist Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) Most, but not all. But those that are not, are constantly being attacked for their opinions, by those that are. Though the majority may support a lie, it's still a lie!
  20. This is an excerpt from a recent article on the Outdoor Wire. "Now, an entirely new petition is circulating on change.org - and it's designed to put pressure on U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. If you're wondering if there's a goal to the petition, the title tells the story: "Justice for Cecil the iconic collared lion slaughtered by a trophy hunter in Zimbabwe!" Yes, that's an exclamation point at the end. No, we don't support the use of them, but we do support accurate quotations, so there it is. This petition, begun by Cheryl Semcer of Hoboken, New Jersey on July 31 -just four days ago, has already collected more than one million of the 1.5 million signatures that are the stated goal. Semcer's not an unfamiliar name to New York or New Jersey residents - especially if they're hunters. She's been called the "the Lion Lady of Hoboken, NJ" and website "EyeHelpAnimals.com" trumpets that she is "at it again" with the Cecil petition. According to that site, Semcer began a petition in 2012 that "resulted in the end of the sale and preparation of lion meat at a restaurant in Wichita, Kansas." There's no doubting Semcer's sincerity, although she might be a bit lacking on the facts of what hunting means to the economies of many African nations. But her love of animals resulted in her traveling to Zimbabwe and South Africa in 2009 where she "volunteered with lions, elephants and at a shelter with abused cats and dogs." In other words, she's not afraid to take a stand. And she has some clearly stated goals -and the active support of more than a million people who are outraged at the killing of a lion half-way around the world. Personally, I think it's unfortunate that the daily killing of human beings - globally- doesn't stir people's souls, but that's probably just my "desperate clinging nature". But I'm not afraid to make this prediction: if hunters- internationally- don't act quickly and with equal passion in support of legal hunting, this vocal minority (a million people signing an electronic petition still represents a small minority of the overall population), those same millions of hunters will have taken a big step toward the elimination of all hunting. As it is, international trophy hunters may soon find themselves, as the old expression says, all dressed up with no place to go." --Jim Shepherd
  21. Looks like this guy came across the border with the help of Mexican cartels. He brought one of Obama's "Fast & Furious" firearms with him! http://www.guns.com/2015/08/03/terrorist-in-texas-muhammad-cartoon-attack-linked-to-fast-and-furious-gun/
  22. They'll be begging the government to protect them when it happens. The oblivious are usually the first to be killed though. Those who survive the early attacks will march into government "safe zones" without question, signing away their Constitutional rights at the door in order to enter. Even then, they'll still be blaming Bush.
  23. Sometimes you cannot separate politics from hunting.
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