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Posts posted by DanielT

  1. Well...was hoping for a nice buck this am....but things dont always work that way.
    At around 8:10am...I heard a crunch in the snow and looked to my left..and there was a small doe hobbling with no use of her front right leg....i couldn't see any blood or an injury....but my heart told me to harvest her as the coyotes would have a field day with her....so I did
    Sometimes as stewards we need to make the right decisions and I believe this was a good choice....theres always tomorrow...last day northern tier
    Good luck boys

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  2. Well it’s YOU’RE land so you can hunt how you want. When you put up your stand did you happen to scout it and see if indeed the deer are bedding down in the apple orchard 
    Yes...I did scout a little....found 4 scrapes and 2 rubs....looks more like travel corridors to me...and they head right toward his food plot....
    I believe bedding is in neighbor on ither sides land...he has 46 acres and doesn't hunt and doesnt allow hunting
    Whenever I hunt up in hardwoods the few deer that come out... come in and out of his land

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  3. Well I just recently bought my dream house with 10 acres...I bowhunt only so its perfect....theres an old apple orchard and opens up to a hardwood ridge...beautiful...

    So when I met the neighbor we hit it off...decided to work together making paths and plots.

    Well original owner had given him permission to hunt....so we walked thr land and he showed me his favorite stand at the top of the hardwoods...he said it was mine now....he wasnt taking it down....

    Now he has told me this is the spot..don't go up in old apple thicket behind my house because it's the bedding area....so i put some stands on perimeter and just below his old stand up in hardwoods....I haven't hunted that stand as it's on the line...

    So I hunt just below it in edge thicket....see a few deer .....but not alot..

    So i put a camera up in the old apple trees and in1 week got all these.....is neighbor playing me?

    This was one week of pics



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  4. Finally on the board....
    I was in my stand by 6:00 am...it was so quiet and relaxing without any wind....
    I watched a small buck step out of thicket at 60 yards and look around the hardwoods....after 10 minutes...he turned and went back in thicket....20 minutes go by and 2 does come running down the hardwoods hill......and the run into thicket on right......then nothing for an hour....
    Then 60 yards to my left where the little buck came out....out pops 7 does...holy cow...so I notice theres the giant matriarch that has blown me out twice and is a pain in my bowhunting butt...lol...she is followed by 3 nice does and 3 fawns
    So she proceeds to walk 20 yards broadside....never knew I was there....
    I draw back ...noone notices....phew....release...
    Double lung.....she runs 50 yards into open hardwoods stops ....then does the right handed wobble crash run.....bammm... she is down in view...she is big..
    Bowhunting rules!!


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  5. I am not there yet...but 2 of my huntin buddies made it yesterday...said they had a couple of bucks chasing a doe around this am...little rainy but perfect
    Oh I cant wait

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  6. I finally got out last weekend, had a 4pt and a decent 8 come by me Saturday morning.  Sunday morning I saw some turkeys and put up a new stand in a thick area that had a lot of scrapes. I pulled two cam cards but didn't have anything to get excited about. I'll be heading back out again this weekend.
    Any luck this weekend?

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  7. These pics are what got me hooked on the park 18 years ago.......good luck out there
    ...it is easy!

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    Oops...I meant to say ....it isnt easy!!

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  8. I know last year it was legal to take bear in the park....they just didnt want to advertise it...
    Anyone know if it's the same this year?
    Just in case

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