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Posts posted by JFB

  1. How is it that one guy says he doesn't have the time to study a deer but then other hunters successfully put bino's on deer (or at least look with their eyes) to know exactly what they are shooting at or to be sure it's a good shot? 


    That reminds me, it's about time to walk around my property to collect all the lost and wounded deer that my "drive crazed brown it's down" neighbors wounded and lost. 


    Clearly I'm all for guys learning to show a little restraint and I'm certainly for anything that will allow deer to age a bit. 


  2. For anyone not using bino's, give it a try and you will enjoy it so much. Wether it's a doe or buck I always have a small pair of bino's on my neck and the first thing I do is determine the quality of the deer. It also helps a great deal in that rather than just seeing an unknown deers body from 100 to 200 yards away in the brush, you can actually see what the deer is and more importantly how it's behaving (is it alert to you, is it making a scrape, is it about to bed?, etc). 


    One of the main side perks of something like AR is that it should force guys to know what they are shooting at and that eliminates a lot of running (bad) shots that just end up wounding deer so many times. 

  3. Constantly search on places like ebay or craigslist or anywhere guys sell antlers. Get in touch with taxidermists and they will probably tell you where most antlers are sold on line. I'd also consider making some casual visits to neighbors to chit chat and see if you happen to see any antlers sticking out of the corner of an open garage... 

  4. I suppose it's all personal preference, but for me, I know with 100% certainty that the extents I go to regarding scent control work. It's not just a confidence thing, it's physical results. I know this because I've really watched the results change based on different measures of scent control and it's very consistent. 


    There is a healthy population of deer near where I hunt and no way you are going to keep all the animals up wind. And there's a huge advantage of downwind deer just continuing on their way unalarmed as compared to stomping or snorting or hanging up as they detect you. I'd be embarrassed to list the things I do to lessen my scent but like I say it's changed results without a doubt. 


    Tinker and do whatever works for you and helps you accomplish your goals as a hunter. 

  5. I'll check out the shwackers. I've had good luck with the Rage as well but the simple fact so many have claimed failure with them really makes me wonder. I saw one photo of a deer that had an angled scar where the guy said he took a quarter away shot and it deflected. It's as clear as day on his trail cam pic. I don't know he has anything in it to say anything other than his experience. All my shots have been fully broadside. 


    For all yo Shwacker shooters... do you notice ANY difference in flight compared to field tips? 

  6. Not looking to start a fixed vs. mechanical debate. But I would like a different opinion regarding mechanicals. I had used Spitfires for years with good luck but it seemed like the impact really made the deer feel the hit and run hard. I figured this was due to the blades that deploy by being pushed back? More surface area hitting or pushing on the deer? 


    I switched to Rage also with very good results and they seem to slice through the deer with less impact and the deer just kind of run off seemingly less aware they were hit. But I'm reading so much "failure" talk with Rage on quartering away shots. 


    So would deer 'feel' the thump on a Spitfire or Grim Reaper style more than a Rage style? I also thought the sound of the "swack" upon hit was louder with the spitfire style? 

  7. My experience this year.  At a local hunting area I bring my buck there to see if the DEC can age him.   He glances at the buck and says probably 3.5.  Next question he had is "Can I see your license?". The deer had the carcass tag on the antlers and he asks me for my license?  Then he asks me if i reported it through DECALS (which I did that night) and I told him I have 7 days to report it.  The scummer checked in to see if I had reported it.  I went there for information, legal, and in good faith only to be treated like I did something illegal.   Suffice it to say I left annoyed at how they treated me.   Lost respect for them for sure.   



    This is typical of the DEC. The vast majority are not out to support the hunter or the resource. And the sad thing is they are supposed to work FOR the ethical hunter and in my opinion FOR fostering our wild life and natural resources. Certainly not the case and clearly they have turned many of us good hunters against them due to our experiences with them. 

  8. If you are lucky enough to catch him red handed, and you are comfortable doing it, take video as you approach him. Also, ask that he produce his Back Tag number to you for identification... I've been told it's illegal for someone to not produce their tag number when asked. That may spark the interest of sometimes uninterested ECO officers. 


  9. Two more things to consider... I believe that if it's not an immediate fatal hit such as a double lung, their instinct sends them to bedding area's and where they feel secure. Over the years there have been a couple of deer on a property I hunt and typically they end up in two bedding area's. One of them is up a fairly steep hill and even single lung hit deer have not thought twice about going up the hill to get to their sanctuary.


    I also believe there is truth to some wounded deer seeking out water such as ponds or swamps.

  10. At the end of the day you need to do what makes you happy. But without a shadow of a doubt, if your objective is to be as productive as possible it is a very bad idea to hunt the same spot every day. Especially with respect to mature deer. 


    If it's the peak of the rut and activity is high, then you may want to push the envelope but otherwise less is usually more. 

  11. Although I think pressure accounts for lulls, the other interesting factor is that the recent Solunar tables (which suggest peak activity times for each day) show them being mostly at night in my area. But the first couple weeks however, there were actually several days that it suggested the peak movement would be during prime time morning and evening hunts. 


    I'm believing in those tables more and more. Mostly because I know professional bass fisherman (who fish to feed their families) use them to help determine when to fish their best waters when fish are active. Something I'll be observing. 

  12. Agree fully with those saying pressure contributes or causes "lulls". Remember when people used to say the lull was near the 20th or so of October before the heavy rut kicked in? Now suddenly the lull is being experienced way earlier by many and we're only into the 16th. Pressure! You can hunt nearly every day in 60 and 70 degree weather and not expect a lull due to pressure. Personally I miss the old opener. Now we deal with 30 days of overhunting pressure before the heavier part of the rut forces deer back on their feet toward the end of October/ beginning of November. 

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  13. One other factor no one has mentioned is the pressure it sounds like you are putting on it. If you've hunted or even scouted lightly there 7 out of the 12 days so far this season, that is my best bet why it's taken a bad turn. There have been some very warm days and lingering scent, even when rotating stands over 200 acres, has a big impact. Good luck. 

  14. I saw the news report where the police reported "that it turns out the intruder appeared to have a BB gun".

    If they didn't catch the guy, how on earth would they know that? Or was the idiot police chief just trying to set something up where it was possible it could be argued a real gun could have been used to kill when it was not warranted. Show me the BB gun or report it as is... an intruder yielding a weapon.

    I would love to walk up to the police chief while he is off duty and find a way to have him show me his 7 rounds in HIS off duty gun. I know several cops off duty carrying 10+1 and as I understand it that is as illegal as us with 10+1.

  15. Man, we made Kip Adams drive 90 miles for nothing... We've got Joseph here to tell us what Kip said and spin it just to try and get a dig in. Obviously QDM's own statement is not currently supporting mandatory restrictions. But they do support passing up 1.5 yearling bucks and I'm fairly sure they want to see more mature deer in the herd. I too simply want more mature deer and whatever method helps that I support. I've said it before but I don't think AR's are the best answer but something needs to change if you want a different herd and NY seems to currently have the worst of all regulations. But if you were listening you'd have to admit Kip did not say AR's were useless in 5 years. He was actually speaking about the success and popularity PA has had with AR's and it seemed pretty clear to me that he said AR's would not be needed in the future IF more and more people voluntarily pass up young deer. Education is a smarter way to evolve NY's deer hunters and I think if QDM successfully makes hunters smarter, they will find themselves passing up young deer. Sounds good to me.

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  16. Last night I attended Rochesters QDMA seminar hosted by biologist Kip Adams. Very well run seminar and to say Kip Adams was impressive is an understatement. I'm not a member of QDMA but I must say I was impressed with the knowledge passed on and I will likely join this branch. In my opinion, no matter your style or approach to hunting I can't see where the type of education they provide would not assist any hunter. Thanks to those involved for the free seminar.

  17. My 77 yr old father, who was raised to shoot as soon as he saw antler, passed up several deer only to eventually tag a buck that will score over 125". He had his hip replaced in September and I can tell you he was pleased as pie to hold out for the bigger deer and then bag a big one. If he chose to have shot a spike, I would have congratulated that as well given his age and circumstances. Just goes to show you it's possible to get new enjoyment out of something other than the same old thing. Many years ago, he would have shot the first button buck that ran by simply because he was conditioned to do so. A little education and he has changed as a hunter and seems to enjoy it more. He sure sends a lot more photos to his friends than he used to anyway.

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