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Posts posted by JFB

  1. If my buddy was an a-hole and killed 3 mature bucks I'd probably whine a little too. There's a big difference getting out hunted by a buddy who's humble. So you are a superior hunter, but lighten up a bit and I bet he will start having fun again (maybe despite not getting a good buck). 

    Why not show a good faith effort and offer to buy a scent tote ozone bag to offset the dog/scent issue. Obviously the dog is not the real issue but this does not sound like it's all on his side. (And for the record I own and love dogs). 

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  2. Your post is titled "what would you do". I said I was not trying to beat you up but I told you what I'd do. It is inconsistent to say you would have dropped everything to go get your deer, but also say you could not track the next day. Did he show you a picture of the deer to prove he found it? 

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  3. Certainly your deer and a lousy move on his part.

    BUT, I just wonder if he really did find it?? I would not put it past someone to say that just to get under your skin. If you have a strong relationship with the owner, ask him to ask the other hunter if he can just see the beautiful animal that was on HIS land and see what he does. I know no one likes to drag in the owner of the land but if the relationship is strong I'd probably side with just letting the land owner know what happened because if the guy is capable of stealing your deer the same guy is apt to try and make you out to be the bad guy over time with the land owner. 

    To play devils advocate, I would have called in sick and done the search the next day. Way easier to see small amounts of blood in the light of day. You said you went back upon your first chance Saturday but later say if he called you would have dropped everything and picked it up. Don't mean to beat you up but thats inconsistent. I highly doubt the guy noticed blood that night with you but said nothing only to return later that night. 

  4. Post the property properly and square the comers and then call the local sherif to show them it's posted properly and let them know that you have been having problems in the past. This way when you find someone and call them they know you have been proactive and have everything with your signs in place. Also helps build some rapport with the authorities. Hang trail cams in trees, works well for me and the best way I've caught guys. 

  5. On January 7, 2017 at 8:06 PM, BigGuyNY said:


    My buddy has this blind and it's really nice.  I picked up one because it's only $79 and it's always good to have an extra.



    Are you able to manipulate the windows to lower them partially and if so is it done by zippering, or is it on a slide system, or perhaps velcro? Just curious how customizable the windows are if you don't want one fully open? 

  6. On 12/23/2016 at 9:17 PM, nodeerhere said:

    How ever isn't Ohio a 1 buck state? 

    That is exactly right. Ohio also does not have a four week long gun season and making guys really think which one buck they want is key. Those are huge differences. NY just always has the worst of all worlds when it comes to regulations. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, Uncle Nicky said:

    I worked in the meat business a number of years. Cryovac meat did not improve with age, actually the blood started to get sour and gave the meat a gassy smell if it got too old. Aging meat, unfortunately, involves drying it (on the outside) and a lower yield, that is the price you pay for fork-tender steaks.

    When you say a "lower yield", I assume you are saying because you have to cut off the dried part and you then get less? 

    Thats kind of why originally I was keeping something in contact with the meat, such as the cloth pillow case that will allow air to get to it and breath.? Seemed logical lol 

  8. Having tracked with Deer Search for several years now, I can say that most people track their deer WAY too soon. When the deer is not hit in two lungs or heart, it's usually gonna take hours (as in 8 or often much more) to expire. Sure some only take 2 or 4 hours but unless you have ESP you are just guessing and hoping to go sooner rather than later. Of course, lots of scenarios and no hard and fast rule, but for every hunter who tries to push the deer to keep it bleeding, I'd say their are likely 10 that they lose because they jump it out of the bed that the deer might have died in if left alone. We get lots of shoulder and muscle hits, and track them for miles and they don't die very often (at least not that day). The other factor is most guys don't know if they hit a shoulder or not, and that means someone reading this post might conclude "oh maybe I hit the shoulder or muscle so I better push it to keep it bleeding". That is a big mistake in my opinion 9 out of 10 times. The exception might be a gun hit where the bullet did some severe damage limiting the deers mobility. Bottom line, if your deer is not piled up in 150 yards or less, back out and wait, then wait more. If blood stops, and it's less than 8 hours after the hit again I say back out and let it lay in it's bed. I don't see the good in blind searching under 8 hours and those are the deer that get pushed when otherwise they might expire if you wait. Again, lots of scenarios and exceptions but all I'm saying is I see guys go to soon, and then blind search too soon. 

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  9. 47 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

    what is "reasonable" to you? I have a contact that reps Redneck hunting blinds. The have the hard plastic ones that are the Cadillacs of the blinds and they just started a heavy duty "tent" style that is very very nice but cheaper. 

    They are indeed sweet but I don't want to pay that much. Was hoping someone did home made type where I'd be paying someone for their time and thought someone might do it on the side perhaps. 

  10. I was fortunate to shoot a 4.5 old 9 point but unfortunately it took about an hour to expire. It didn't run hard but it was stressed for that hour due to the injury so I'd like to age the meat and temps will be right in my attached garage. 

    The animal had to be skinned for the taxidermist so I went ahead and extracted all the steak cuts and kept them whole for now. My questions are these:

    1) I didn't want the cuts to dry out so I wrapped them in plastic and poked a few holes for some air to escape. Is that a smart way to store the meat in controlled temps for a few days? 

    2) Would the meat age just the same if I made the steak cuts and sealed them in sealed plastic bags while they aged? (how important is it for the meat to 'breath') 

    (I know some don't believe in aging but would like info from those who do). Thanks




  11. On July 21, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Padre86 said:


    It's great to hear that new hunters are getting educated on how dog/handler teams can assist in recovering wounded deer.


    It's also interesting that you brought up that note on the supposed bad blood between this one woman and Deer Search.  I tried reaching out to them about learning about their group and potentially joining, but so far I haven't heard so much as a peep from them.  I'm not sure if they're closed to new members or what the issue is, but either way joining Deer Search is not required to legally track in NY, though I'm sure it makes networking and getting in touch with deer hunters looking for help a whole lot easier.


    What area do you live in? DS is not all over so maybe they don't cover that area but in my experience they have been motivated to find new members. Send me a PM and I can put you in touch with the president of the Finger Lakes chapter. Good people who work mighty hard. 

  12. That question took long enough...I also have to ask if you say in the next 10 yrs and he's not in a hurry...Did you hear that directly from him? I ask because it sounds to me, IMO, If that was directly from owner to you...he may have been giving you an opening to negotiate a sale to you. Also as far as price have you looked up the assessed value? and are you sure there is no building lot? because most parcels are taxed based on at least 1 building lot,unless it can be proven different...10 yrs tells me a land contract could be worked out,depending on the ppl your dealing with and your own lawyer...and prices go down when Realtor are cut out of the process.

    Now I have to ask why would you say 30 acres won't cut it for bow and gun at your place?(that's all it is, a question)...Out of our 73 acres I basically hunt 38 of it with out any issue in heavily pressured  surroundings.


    I agree there may be opportunity for you to negotiate your way into the situation long term. Are you paying anything now?? In this day and age it often takes money to secure a hunting spot. I too are curious what you consider a "pretty penny" and it just sounds like if you get creative you can possibly secure this land further. Worst case, if you make yourself valuable to the current owner chances are even if he sells the land he might be able to set it up with the new owner that you continue looking after the property (via paying money, posting, patrolling, helping, etc if it's sold to a non hunter). 

    • Like 1
  13. For those who range shoot a lot, just curious how much, if any, difference a ML or riffle will shoot when sighted in at fall temperatures and then later shot in freezing temps where the barrel and load have been in frozen conditions? (I'm not talking about a hot barrel effects from shots, just effect from outside temps). Had a discussion with someone who was saying the frozen pressure of the load changes the shot, etc. 



  14. They always get their money one way or another. I've been looking at the one with the swivel seat, just dropped to $125.99 as well, they're making it very tough to say no


    If it goes back to free shipping, I'll pull the trigger. Tough being cheap and stubborn! 

  15. Well Sportsmanguide just dropped that stand to $125... I should probably buy before they go out of stock and raise price for next year


    I now noticed the tricky marketers lowered the price by the $10, but free shipping no longer available so net change is price went up lol 

  16. For those who feel the 250 SST does not provide great expansion, would you say a 300 grain SST would be even worse (or possibly better)  out of the same load?


    I ask because I got a box of them cheap and curious. thx

  17. the one i got from SG has a full platform that goes all the way back to the tree and the seat lifts up to make the platform feel even bigger.  i'll see if i can find the link





    this is the link to the stand i got. i feel comfortable in it with my son. real nice hunting by yourself out of it also.  i waited and got it last july for less than $100 with free shipping.


    This is the exact stand I'm eye balling. Wondering if it will go cheaper than the $135 and free shipping and don't really want to wait much so I'm leaning on getting some. I have a trip to Ohio this week so I'm gonna check their stores first. 

  18. I believe the OP wants a 2 man stand that has the foot platform go all the way back to the tree . Most likely for better stability .


    Yes, I (am fussy and) want the platform to go all the way to the tree so my feet are straight under me as I stand and lean against tree. 

  19. This writing has been on the wall now for awhile, and I say again us sportsmen are too lazy (or dumb) to do anything to combat it. I don't know of ANY organized sporting group leading a stance against this slippery slope which is aggressively attacking deer. 


    So time will tick on and very soon NY will be even MORE of a JOKE to hunt. Sooner than you realize it will effect YOUR hunting and YOUR backyard. I say start with a widespread boycott of buying hunting licenses to get their attention. Back to my xmas coffee. 

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