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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. I'm not big on scent killers, but I will use cover scents. Typically, I'll put my hunting clothes in a Rubbermaid contained with cut pine boughs and dirt. Then let it soak in for a few weeks and hunt. The deer I shot last year was shot from the ground 12 feet away so I couldn't have stunk like human too bad.

    • Like 4
  2. I use Barnes Vor-tx in my .308. I made the switch to all copper last year. I don't want my wife to be eating lead-laden meat in her peak child-bearing years. It groups well and both deer I have seen shot with it dropped in their tracks. Neither one took a step.

  3. You can buy a decent floor jack and jack stands at Harbor Freight for about $150.  Pays for itself in 9000-15000 miles at that rate.  


    I also used to make it a point to tell them no to an air filter before they even got under the car.  More than once I've intervened to stop them from taking advantage of an old lady in the waiting room who believed them that her air filter was dirty and agreed to pay $42 for a new one.  

  4. Your hunting someone else's land and they have a rule that you must shoot a die before taking a buck. And your questioning this rule, How ungrateful. Hope a member of your new hunting buddies reads your post.. If they do, wouldn't be surprised to find you researching a new place to hunt. But hey, there is always state land

    Many hunters in the DMP areas that now only allow taking off does for the first 15 days have found out how important it is to take does and reporting their kills. If you have a problem with their rules decline the offer to hunt their land.

    Six posts on this site, and that's how you want to start treating forum members? It wouldn't have been my choice, but I'm interested to see how it works out for you.

    • Like 6
  5. This is contributing to the thread derailment, but studies have consistently shown that consistency of punishment is far more effective at reducing crime than severity of punishment. In other words, if you want less poachers, more calls to the tip lines and more boots on the ground enforcing the regs would be far more effective than a lifetime ban for insignificant infractions.

    • Like 4
  6. You're asking for access to land on a forum where everyone wants access to land. You're essentially trying to buy from the buyers. My advice is suck it up and hunt public land this year. Then get out in May/June and start knocking on doors for next season. Even then, it will take a fair amount of luck. Be mindful of how you present yourself and play the numbers game, i.e. knock on a lot of doors. Good luck this season.

    • Like 1
  7. I have an unfortunate tendency to buy things and just never sell them, so I can't offer much personal experience as a seller. But, I do have friends who have sold on gunbroker and been very happy. I can tell you that as a buyer I go on armslist and gunbroker most frequently. I also just bought a rifle from the classified section of this forum, so don't forget that option.

    • Like 1
  8. I haven't even attempted to hunt yet. I'm getting married on Saturday so I haven't had a whole lot of free time the past few weeks between that and work. I just keep telling myself it's good that I couldn't hunt because I wouldn't have been able to shoot a buck anyway.

    • Like 4
  9. When I make chili, I use a 1:1 ratio of sausage and cubed steak for my meat. I think the variation in texture does something for it. I would use your favorite venison chili recipe and add 1 lb of bear sausage and 1 lb of venison steak (if you have it)for your meat. Kind of a wildgame chili medley, if you will.

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