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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Caveman

  1. From his profile.... "Bow: looking to purchase my first one"  


    He'll probably just make a new username. I would post his name and address. A lot of people have said that you get cash first before sending the item and that's a good way to operate. BUT, he could just as easily sell something on here and scam someone out of their cash, by demanding they pay first.

    That's true, but the only other option is to go through an established auction site that is going to skim some off the top, but will insure these transactions. I also think Paypal will insure fraudulent sales for the buyer, but it will cost 3% of the sales price to do it. Just a chance you take I suppose. Deal only with established members and make the risk you take an educated one.

    Also, just so no one is confused, I still think this dude is a scumbag if he really is ripping someone off.

  2. WNY is an odd mix in itself. Where I hunt in 9T, no doe tags. Go about a half hour north to 9M, you're practically guaranteed a DMP. Even within a given area there are significant variations. We have access to land in two valleys about a mile and a half apart in 9T. One has some seriously average bucks, the other regularly holds monster deer.

    My guess is NYAntler will have some good info for you. He is heavily involved in the Big Buck Club if I'm not mistaken.

    • Like 1
  3. Belo, I was with you until that last one. I get the disappointment, but I can say that I've only hunted 6 seasons. In that time, I have killed three deer. Despite that, I have had 6 seasons that I have enjoyed immensely. Disappointment is normal in that you set a goal and didn't accomplish it. But if you put that level of importance on killing a deer, at what point does it stop being an enjoyable activity?

    • Like 1
  4. I was given a Wildgame Innovations trail cam last Christmas as a gift. It was my first trail cam. I put it out and got pictures for a few months and was having a good time when it suddenly stopped working. I email them to ask about a replacement and they give me the runaround. They tell me that they are not able to do anything unless I can prove that it failed within one year of purchase. I tell them that I don't have the receipt since it was a gift and I received it 6 months before it broke. They tell me to send the serial # from the inside of the door to get the manufacture date. The problem is it's over a year since its manufacture date since it spent over six months being shipped, sitting at the distributer, etc. Now they won't do anything about it.

    On top of all of this, it never takes them less than 3 days to answer an email. I call them to try to speed up the process and they tell me that they can't do anything over the phone and I have to "work it out with whoever I was emailing." What a crock of [fill in the blank]! I have resolved to never buy another product from this company regardless of whether they eventually replace the camera (3 months after I first contacted them about it).

    Anyway, just wanted to give you all a heads up in case you were considering a product from them. They do not stand behind their products.

    • Like 1
  5. Besides Daryl's endless supply of bolts, he must hold the world record for cocking and loading a crossbow. I almost stopped watching off the bat. I'm having a hard time thinking of a less-effective weapon in an apocalyptic scenario than a crossbow.

  6. I agree with the above. I think it's a business move. As a hunting enthusiast, I have never watched the Outdoor channel or any of those shows. I just don't enjoy them. Besides, they're directing you to channels that carry shows like Mountain Men, The Last Alaskans, etc.--shows that heavily depict trapping. I would think they would drop those channels if they were seriously animal rights crusaders.

  7. Plenty of NY whitetail have dropped from a .243. That being said, I think it will kill a bear, but it's without a doubt less than ideal. There's just a lot less room for error with a small bore round on a 300-400 pound animal. It will get the job done, but I wouldn't personally do it.

  8. That's very true.  Totally different situation when you don't know the others.  Our group all knows each other.  We get together and plan what stands we're hunting each day.  We all also know where everyone else is going to be, which directions are safe to shoot, and if someone will be moving halfway through the hunt he texts others on the property so there are no stupid accidents.  I would never try it if I didn't know these guys.  

  9. I'm not sure I would look to an internet forum with this question.  If you're serious about doing this, and want to do it right, make the investment and consult an attorney with experience in this area.  There are a lot of other considerations beside just regulatory compliance to take into account.     

    • Like 1
  10. I turn mine inside out and leave the gutting knife inside for cleaning at home, and promptly wrap them in the disposable tarp along with my deer to avoid getting blood on the carpet in the truck bed.  I kid you not, I do actually wrap the deer in a tarp and use the same tarp to discard bones, etc after butchering in my garage.  Keep a supply of the tarps at home too.


    In my neighborhood, the fact that I have dead deer hanging in my garage makes neighbors cringe - On this site, the fact that I do it neatly, makes me suspect. 


    Too funny.


    Funny you mention that.  I've lived in Webster for a month and a half now.  My first thought when I took a look at my Mayberry-esque neighborhood was "oh man, these people are going to hate seeing deer hanging in the backyard."  Let's see how quickly I can be evicted.    

  11. I came into this thread thinking it was about something different.  I was going to say I've dated my fair share of women, and I believe yes.  Although you hit a point of diminishing returns fairly quickly.  Nevermind.  Carry on.


    • Like 7
  12. In NY, traps set on land, larger than a 4 inch jaw spread, are required to have a pan tension adjustment device and the trap is to be set at 4 pounds ( I think it is 4 pounds). That prevents most of the smaller critters from firing the trap. It doesn't require a 4 pound animal to fire a trap set at 4 pounds either, it keeps the small mammals and birds form springing the trap most of the time. 


    NY Law also  requires you to bury bait, so birds are not attracted. You cant use a piece of tin foil or a fake frog or fake crawdads on the trap pan for raccoon and mink, to avoid birds like herons, etc..  You cant set traps on top of muskrat lodges, were birds loaf.. There are a bunch of laws designed to decrease non target catches. Trappers themselves have other tricks not necessarily required by law.In the last 15 years, a trap which only catches prehensile animals is becoming popular with trappers as they have learned how to use them. Someone refered to them as dog proof coon traps. They catch in addition to coons, skunks, opposums. Some trappers may have reported to catch an occasional bobcat or fox, anything is possible, but the animal has to stick its paw down a narrow tube to trigger the trap...


    Do you happen to have a link to the 4 lb pan tension requirement? All I can find is that foothold traps are required to have a pan tension device. 

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