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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. You said it. There are a million different snapper. They are fun to catch!
  2. Never heard of squirrel fish lol. I think smoked whiting is popular. Snook are catch and release till end of may if im correct due to the red tide.
  3. Caught one but it spit the hook before I could land it. I’d guess 36 inches or so when it made a jump. Had one other bump but thats it. Seen tons of whiting and some old timers looked like they were getting pompano.
  4. The pop was his window being smashed i think.
  5. Wekiwa Springs, FL Did some kayaking and swimming. Also hit up a natural spring near by for swimming The natural spring had a underwater cave that was about 30 feet deep where the water was rising out of. Really cool.
  6. Nice! Im on the gulf coast this week as well. Have fun!
  7. Nice! Where are you? I caught plenty jacks over the summer. They give a decent fight.
  8. Stand by your words. Don't be like one of these liberals that say something and then go and retract it.
  9. We can agree to disagree. I stand by my statement. He is not part of our cause as gun owners. His leftist handlers send him here to be outlandish and cause issues. Its a typical move of the left.
  10. Vernooy has camping from what I researched. I am 100% going there this summer with my kids to the falls/swimming hole. Echo seems legit, and had someone else confirm that who has firsthand knowledge as well.
  11. scouting is happening this week. Id like to parlay camping and trout fishing. Plenty of great options in the area
  12. Tentatively checking out vernooy kill, echo lake and alder lake. Im gonna look into devils path as well. Definitely needs to be some fishing around.
  13. You are cointelpro sent here to make conservative gun owners look like unintelligent idiots. Go back to your liberal handlers. I’ll save you with your liberal response..... “you do a good job looking like idiots on your own”.
  14. Agree. How to do you respond to someone who asked “the guy had a violent and aggressive passed yet still legally bought a firearm”. We been around this bush already. People got upset that someone who seeks mental help or had accusations of domestic violence brought against them having their firearms restricted. I can search old threads, but im sure we can remember discussions about this You acknowledge that this person had a sketchy past and probably shouldn’t of had a firearm in their possession, especially legally. But Democrats will argue that if they had it their way this guy might have never been able to get a gun. Im not taking about you specifically, but the argument against gun restrictions.
  15. Me either. I watched it like two years ago and it’s awesome!
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