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Posts posted by The_Real_TCIII

  1. I came unbelievably close to shooting a six pointer still in velvet. At 22 yards I couldnt see antlers through the scope. I didn't shoot because it was alone so I was suspicious. Ten minutes later he came back out and I could see his rack. As Im watching him a group of does came in. Huge gal with a fawn first and then this one with no fawn in tow. They all locked up (fug east wind) so I decided to shoot. It was only 45 yards or so. Quartering to which I wanted for that shoulder/neck shot with hopefully no tracking. She went down and never even flinched. Once I was in I started thinking this is a bad idea, its too hot and I have too much to do today. I decided Id sit until 7:30, got the shot at 7:15 and it went perfectly. @Chromeslayer coming through with a butcher was huge! The live deer is the buck9a8c2b5dd48b64fd507222279c9d40e4.jpg

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  2. Chopped lovin in wilson is open for any Niagara co peeps

    They are open it is a drop off system. It looks like a nice clean place. $115 but that is a small price to pay for my wife not to kill me today we have a lot to do lol, no way I could butcher 7ab9da4f20fd09d653ec7840f0cb7b11.jpg

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  3. The barns not air conditioned, just the small one-car garage that’s attached to our house.  I insulated that a few years ago. I can probably only get it down to about 60, with the house central AC cranked down all the way.  I’ll see tonight, when I pull that doe out of the deer fridge, and start processing.
    Our “new to me” truck camper, that is stored in the barn right now, has a roof-top AC unit that seems to run pretty good on the 20 amp outlet that I plug it into out there.  I suppose that I could crank that AC unit down all the way, and use the camper for a meat locker for a short time, as long as my wife don’t find out about it.  
    I might just have to do that, if the pair of mature doe, that I have been watching on and off for the last half hour, get a lot closer this morning.  Right now, they are out about 300 yards.  I need one under 100, to earn my last dmp tag.
     I didn’t notice any ticks on the doe from back here, that I skinned on Tuesday night.  It would be tough hanging one in that camper, because the ceiling is pretty low.  If necessary,  I’ll stick with plan A, and hang it in the garage, until I finish processing the first one, and can then get it into the vacated deer fridge.  

    Just passed you on my way to Wilson I hope this guy is there the phone number doesn't work. Also there are a bunch of does on that landing strip across the street from you

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  4. Thanks for posting that Tacs.   It looks like if I get another one in the morning, I will need to crank up the AC and hang it in the garage till I grind and zip lock the first one and free up the deer fridge.  
    I always put the grind from the first deer each season in zip lock bags.  It will be gone in a few months,  so vacuum sealing would be a waste of time and money.  I’ll use that all up before I finish the last (7) packs of vacuum sealed grind from last season’s 9-point.  Frozen vacuum-sealed venison is good for at least (4) years with no freezer burn.

    I am having second thoughts about it. I will be scrambling if I kill one

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  5. I get a large buck on camera  1 or 2 pics then they dissappear.. so i put 2 camera back to back and low an behold there it is walking behind original camera..  even the no flash emit a glow.. old buck learn to avoid the  ir flash.  Happens many timea a year. Benefits of running almost 30 cameras  have option to place back to back.   

    No one can deny that they spot that cam, or hear it. My second pic is typically nostrils

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  6. I am sure it has, since it was new back in the 1950’s .  I like the old non frost free ones like that because the meat don’t dry out too much in them.  
    Back strap momma is a deer fridge filler for sure.  
    A little pressed for time tonight so I didn’t get a chest girth measurement.  She was very fat and didn’t have any milk in her.  Coyotes must have got this year’s fawn.  
    I trimmed all the external fat that I could and she’s in the fridge till Saturday late morning.  ML is cleaned, and all gear is washed.   
    Only glitch was I forgot my Gerber saw so I brought grandpas old meat saw back with the tractor when I fetched her to cut thru the pelvis.  I always do that to make sure everything near the tenderloins is rinsed clean (with fresh blood from forward of the diaphragm) of any piss or poop.  I’d rather my tenderloins taste like blood than that stuff.

    Empty that fridge in case I need a spot for a deer saturday!

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