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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I too saw other hunters with quads in tow, with treestands and pole saws sticking out ftom truck beds. The long awaited, perfect weekend for outdoor stuff! Went to property this morning, burned up a box of 270 win with the Sako. Swapped cards from four cams. Got deer on all of em. Checked plots, deer are hammering the rye grass and winter wheat already. Radish and beets, not so much. But that will come with the snow and cold weather. Picked up grandson on the way home. Spent four hours shooting compounds and crossbows, with broadheads. Mrs. cooked up a delicious turkey dinner for us all. Watching the Panthers game now with the boys. Life is good!!!
  2. Pulled some cards today too. Got some deer from each spot, and three different 8s. Nothing big though. Sounds like a great day! The inlines are fun to shoot and accurate! Be crazy not to set up on plenty of obvious sign. Best of luck!
  3. Pulled some cards today too. Got some three different 8s. Nothing big though.
  4. What was the Pennsylvania girth measurement??? My guess wold be betweem 150 and 175. Very hard to judge from that pic. And I'm notariously bad at quessing weight from pictures.
  5. Opening Sunday! High hopes abound! Good luck to all your teams. Go Panthers!
  6. You got this Jay ! First time you stand over an arrow killed deer, you will really understand the addition! Best of luck to ya my friend!
  7. 47 this morning. I love it! Heading up to the property in a few, for some trigger time.
  8. Wow! Anyone looking for a great looking, great shooting, dependable shotgun, that will out live you, at an unbelievable price.....Here's your chance!
  9. Hope it all works out for you! Best of luck this season. Will be tough to lose a spot with so much time in there. Sounds like you might be ok though. Do something REAL nice for the new owner. May just be worth it!
  10. First blood! Yeah baby! Good luck!
  11. Your corn plot looks fantastic ! Nothing quite matches the draw of corn, for rutted out late season bucks, looking to replenish lost pounds from chasing doe. When we had cattle on the farm years ago. We always planted corn. During a rough spell, we sold the cattle and planting equipment. During the coldest and snowiest late seasons, deer would pound the strips we left uncut for them. Maybe next year broadcasting an acre or two could be an option for us. Best of luck to you on a late season monarch!
  12. Got a perfect score. Hmmphff......like I needed confirmation that I'm older than dirt.
  13. grampy

    Bows tuned

    Man, those sure are beautiful bows Brian. Won't be long now, until we see one of em in a pic, laying across a big ol' WNY buck!
  14. Way to go girl! Nice shooting!
  15. Cool! I think you will like it. Give us your review after setup and shooting! Just about any quality bolt will work fine. Heavier is better IMO. Broadheads.....most all will get the job done. Just boils down to what type and brand you have confidence in.
  16. Looks like we'll go from sweating, to sweatshirts this weekend around here. I'm good with that!
  17. Well said Rob........ I've met quite a few members from this forum. Have yet to meet one, that I did not like. One or two, I consider as family. Many others I haven't met yet, that I still consider as good friends, and look forward to meeting. I have butted heads here a couple of times. But still totally respect the opposing views of others, and hold absolutely no animosity towards anyone, on a personal level. I have learned so much, from others who thought differently than myself!!! They changed and opened my mind to new possibilities. I've grown so much as a result. Hope one of my meger responses, has help someone else grow too along the way. The only reason I first came here, was to learn, and share about my love, for everything outdoors. I've done that here. You and I have shared a beer and some woods time Rob. Good Times! That I enjoyed very much, and look forward to again! I think we take different paths, to get to the same destination. Nothing at all wrong with that! Very cool actually. We are all blood brothers (and sisters) as hunters!! Together We Stand! Divided We Fall!
  18. grampy

    Bows tuned

    moog, is there a bow/arrow, set up that you would recommend for someone just getting into traditional archery? Something, that would not break the bank, if it doesn't work out? Think budget here. Thanks!
  19. I still stand by this statement!
  20. I still stand by this statement!
  21. I liked Sanchez better when he was on the DL.....
  22. I am really looking forward to cooler temps. I just don't seem to function very well in high heat and humidity any more. Do just fine in cool to cold temps though. Instead of retiring to Florida, I think Alaska would be a better fit! The wife says No Way! So we will pick a place in between...........here we are, NY!!!!!! After moving off "the hill" three years ago, I have MUCH less plowing and shoveling to do. I don't need ten plus cords of wood to get through the winter any more. So much easier now! Looking forward to night time temps in the 40s this weekend! Can't wait until the first hunting day this fall, that temps stay in the 30s!!!! Winter 18/19.......bring it on!
  23. I didn't get a chance to use mine last year. Will get it out of the case this weekend and shoot a few bolts. I did pick up a Nikon Bolt scope from Jdubs, last spring. But decided to put that on the Barnett that my grandson will use. So will use the stock scope, this year that came with the center point. It was slightly better than the one that came with the Raptor. Looking to try some lighted nocks too with this crossbow. Picked up some NAP killzone 100g broadheads to go on Bonecrusher bolts. I would really like to get this out for crossbow season this year, to see how it does on a hunt. Had a lot fun target shooting it last year, after picking it up from Savagehunter. Also, very accurate and consistent. For the money, these crossbows are awesome! Will have to try decocking, like in the video that fieldarcher posted! Just saw that! Anyone else use the Centerpoint Sniper last year, and have success? Anyone getting one ready for this year?
  24. Lots of baseball yet to play. Lots of different ways thing could play out. Pretty safe to say, the Sox have the AL east well in hand. They've played a heck of a season, and deserve it!
  25. Don't mean nothin till they win the WS. And they might. Then again, might not. Just gotta see how it all plays out.
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