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Posts posted by upstatehunter

  1. Lol well I've never received more than one doe tag for 6k so pretty limited. And I didn't get the property for the soul purpose of hunting. There are corn fields right around the property and about 50 acres of corn all together. The property is hard wood soft wood mix with young and old growth. Ferns growing generally all around the property. Swamp land in a small section and 8 foot wide river on one side.

  2. This property is 6k that i described. What really gets me is the lack of bucks. Very few bucks are seen but I can see doe just about every time I go out. I finally saw a 4 point this year but passed because he was the only one I have seen in a few years

  3. I have my land that i hunt along with 2 neighboring properties that equal roughly 100 acres. My management plan is I kill a doe every other year and a buck every other year so i only kill one deer on this land every year. Is this a decent plan. An I over killing or under killing. Should I take more doe. I don't know how many deer are on the property lol. I have always done it this way so I have a decent number of deer. I fill my tags throughout different properties around the state.

  4. Touchy situation in my opinion....I have neighbors that call the law when I'm on my bull dozer, dozing my property....I always get the they didn't know exactly what you were doing.....bothers me when someone is trying to control my property.....it's a loaded gun situation.....I'm not up for illegally taking an animal but I wouldn't worry about it until I saw him hunting over it

  5. I'm on the same boat....we have a tradition to go to 7m every year for the rifle opener and camp.... if I kill a buck here in 6k I then have to hope for a 7m doe tag....if I don't get it, then my family get together won't happen and i just don't like someone else raining on others parade.....I went last year to see what was left for doe tags around southern tier gun opener and they were places I would have to travel 2 1/2 hours away for

  6. And that is why I'm against one buck rule and restrictions. I'm denied a doe tag so now I have to hope to see a buck and possibly a buck of certain size. I'm not all for going 2-3 years without getting a deer especially with the cost of the license and so on. I believe it costed me $119 to be able to harvest this year. Crazy in my book especially with a chance of killing nothing. Let's face it, sightings of does and bucks favor towards the does

  7. I look at it as are arguing is point less because DEC will do as they please because face it we are nothing to them. And some want change and others don't. There needs to be a give and take system.

  8. Let's say there is an antler restriction state wide.......now what happens to the buck that has bad genes and the biggest he ever gets is a 4 point.....now we can't shoot him but he will breed how many does in his life and pass those genes on and the off spring pass it on.....????

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  9. So which way would you rather have it? The freedom to shoot the buck of your choice, or having the DEC tell you that you cant shoot a buck unless it has 3 or 4 points on one side? I will guarantee you, some new type of buck management is coming down the pike, whether you like it or not.

    Is the so called management plans actually a plan or a way to right more tickets? Will NYS lower license costs if we are limited on deer take per hunter?

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