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Posts posted by upstatehunter

  1. They're not your deer. It is your land. You still can't just do whatever you please. The laws of the state all still apply to you. The DEC CAN and WILL tell you what you can do on your land whether you like it or not. If you get caught you will pay whether you like it or not.

    Last I knew I couldn't murder someone on my land and claim it was my land and I can do what I want on it.



    I don't want you painting your house on your own land because I think the paint fumes are bad for my kids, so you cant do that.  Oh when you wash your car in your drive way, I think the chemicals you are using are getting in my water supply, so you cant wash your car on your own property anymore



  2. Why stop there? Get your light out and jack one up tonight. After all, it's your land and no one is gonna tell you what to do. 



    Where are you getting i'm jacking deer.  Is it illegal for me to shoot a fork horn? no......did I say I take 20 deer a year? no........did I say I shoot them out of season? no......are you and DEC going to tell me next that I cant snowmobile on my property if I don't have insurance

  3. Well there's an ethical hunter! Admits they will break the law if it's passed. Never mind following the law and seeing what happens or that maybe you might reap a benefit. 


    And seeing that you are short sighted, let me spell it out a bit further... What you are not understanding is that YOU DON'T OWN THE LIVING ANIMAL and said animal wanders onto other peoples land as well. Those people obey the laws and deserve the right to reap any benefit's of the regulation. 


    Who ever taught you that when you buy land you're entitled to kill wildlife as you see fit? 


    I will not become a big buck hunter because my neighbor wants his nice beautiful rack on his wall that he touches himself over.  I hunt for meat.  I have nice racks on my wall.  They have came naturally.  No trail cam pictures of them.  Pure mother nature put them in front of me.  I wont go a year without killing a deer so you can have a beautiful rack.  I go after deer he same way I do every year.  Not yet have I seen a lack in bucks.  This had to be the best year I can remember for seeing and harvesting bucks.  I took a buck with the box(early season bow) one with the muzzle loader, and one with the rifle.  Along with taking a doe.  All taken in different areas.  Plus I seen more bucks then what I harvested.  Pushing a restriction on me is like when the Jehovah witnesses come to my door and try to push religion on me.  Keep your religion and restrictions to your self.  WE DONT NEED LEGISLATION, WE NEED EDUCATION.  don't shoot every buck you see but if all you see for the year is a fork horn, take your shot.

  4. Yes, because it's a shared resource. You want to over harvest or wound every tree you own on your property... go for it.

    I too own a large business, pay large taxes... has nothing to do with it.

    Has everything to do with it......its my land.....I'm not out to kill every deer but if all I see is a spike horn or fork horn for the year, he's hitting the dirt......nobody will tell me you can't shoot that deer on your own property

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  5. Takes a lot to have a business.  You miss the things in life you want to see the most.  Your child's first day of school (etc), hunting season, vacations, a home life in general.  Possibly risk divorce.  I own a welding, fabrication, sandblasting and painting business.  I have a shop but we travel a lot.  Everything I listed above will and can happen.  You think owning a business is great.  Work when I want? no, when a job comes up and you go to texas, you miss everything.  Then deal with keeping work coming in the door.  Every minute in your life deals with your business.  Im on the computer now trying to drum up more business.  I have work but I cant ever stop looking.  Then you put money aside to make it through winter(personal bills, pay workers, keep equipment up to speck).......I didn't post this for an argument piece but just for anyone who is thinking about a business to think over.  Go and start a business but think about everything first!!!!

  6. I honestly wrote all your ideas down. I won't have these ideas done in a day but give me a couple weeks and I will post pictures. Busy time of the year for us with a lot of businesses on there down time, this is when they have there repairs done and equipment sandblasted and painted. We are actually going to build a stand from scratch and put your ideas into it.

  7. For anyone that uses fixed position stands, if there was something you could change or add to fixed position stands what would it be. I own a welding/fabrication business along with sandblasting/painting. This post is not to generate business but for you to answer and I'll have my shop whip it up and we can see the end result and if it works. I would obviously post pictures.

  8. I know I think about hunting all year round, I dream of opening day and southern tier opener. Some others here might do the same. Figure this might help others so I ask everyone, do you do anything now for preparing for next year and if so what do you do. Eric

  9. I ask because in southern tier I hunt state land and always just sit on the ground because we hunt Saturday and Sunday opening weekend. Been debating on putting up a hung stand with climbing sticks. Didn't know if it would be worth it.

  10. I always get a tag either way to try and keep numbers up to show support in hopes my money is used in correct ways. All I'm saying is I would have to drive 2 hours one way, and I drive a truck, so I would be at $200 gas bill for the weekend, and I didn't see much state land so how many people are crammed into one area making chances at a kill slim.

  11. I always try to draw a tag for 7m. But as luck has it I only get one every other year. I normally get stuck with a 7j. Now viewing the map there isn't a lot of state land there so what is one to do. I always asked myself what does the DEC expect me to do. For me that would be one heck of a drive. Eric

  12. The state land we hunt has a sign on it that says town of Brookfield on one of the trails......kind of a hit or miss because 2 years ago a DEC officer said brown rd was the line, which is the road we hunt on......I know it is 7m because the last day of gun season this year the DEC stopped to check a couple does we had shot

  13. Does anyone here hunt the state land off from route 12 in brook field........we enter from Coleman mills road and onto brown road......if so, how did you do hunting there....eric

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