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Posts posted by bg1063

  1. Thanks for the info. I will actually be flying down to FL to visit my cousin. Going to be doing some duck and hog hunting. Can't wait, this will be my first time hunting out of state and first time hunting ducks and hog. Pretty pumped.

    Yea no problem, good luck on the hunt, I've never duck hunted either but I am seriously consider it.  Gives me more excuses to get out there! Get those hogs man, they're a damn menace!

  2. I agree with jjb4900, when my grandfather bought me my first bear compound we used an old large throw rug that we were able to fold in half and hang, worked great and even if you need to buy one you can get two smaller ones and hang them back to back for 50 bucks or so from walmart or costco

    • Like 1
  3. Hey guys I had a quick question that I cant find a clear answer out on the DEC website.  My little sister is finally getting her hunting license this year.  She will be doing a combo course for Hunting and Bow in March.  Now my question, is she allowed to sit in a blind with me for spring turkey?  She would obviously not be hunting, nor even holding a bow, just to sit and accompany me while getting used to sitting in a blind for hours.  I know she obviously doesn't have 2014/2015 tags so I just want to make sure its okay for her to sit with me.  I thought it would be a good way to break her into sitting quietly in the spring rather than in the fall when she will be purchasing a 2015/2016 license.  If you could help me out I would really appreciate it.   

  4. How well does it breath? I have found that the windshear lining holds in all moisture, to the point it becomes ridiculous.


    I wore it for the first time last year when we only had about 4-5 inches on the ground and it was about 15 with wind.  This year I wore it when we had 12 inches and morning temp was hanging around 5.  I was comfortable whether I was up in my stand or inside of my blind.  You do not have to wear crazy layers underneath as the Snow Shadow Extreme bibs are pretty warm to begin with.  I had basic UA base layer and a fleece on underneath on the colder days.  No problem with sweat, moisture was wicked away and I was good to go.  I really do love these bibs.




  5. I’ve been wearing King’s Camo Snow Shadow for the past two seasons.  Came in handy both years, was able to take a late season doe last year and passed on a few small bucks this year.  They are super comfortable, quiet and warm.  I wear them with base layers and maybe some Scentblocker System 2 if the mercury really drops.  They look great and now you can you usually buy them in some sort of bundle deal, take a look, I love them.



  6. The guy is certainly not within his rights to put signs of any kind on your property, even if everything else he does to aggravate you is technically legal. Sounds as though he might not have both oars in the water quite honestly, at least in the short term. That's a tough situation to say the least.

    It's good that you're still considering talking to him at this point though. You might actually be able to connect with him somehow and turn the whole thing around. I'm stubborn and I don't give in in most situations, but with neighbors it's a little different. A bad neighbor is hard to deal with, but a bad neighbor who is also an enemy is impossible to deal with. I hope it works out for you.

    yea thanks, its been tough the past few years and progressively getting worse, hopefully we can get this hammered out 

  7. This Russian spammer is going nuts on every thread

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Yea its crazy, like people need help finding porn on the internet….Christ if finding big bucks was as easy as finding porn none of us would be here

    • Like 2
  8. Just a piece of advice that I have received from a friend who retired from NYPD a few years ago, he too did 20 and out.  Now he regrets it like crazy.  He couldn’t wait to get out, especially working the south Bronx in the 80s he definitely felt like he had to leave and deserved to.  Thing is right before he retired he was in the ceremonial unit which is a home run of a gig, I mean, its a lot of funerals which suck but after a tough career its a nice place to retire out of, there are plenty of other parades and other celebrations that he was lucky to attend as well…anyway he thought he would get a security gig and combined with his pension he would be ok.  Ends up retired LEOs usually are known to demand more money for security gigs because of their experience so some companies are reluctant to hire them.  Ridiculous but we all know how companies are when it comes to a bottom line...  Either way he wishes he would’ve done another 10 and retired with 3/4 pay.  Just an idea, look into the retirement packages, see what units are available to you.  You may not want to retire right away lol.  Its a rewarding job, tough now given the current situations, especially here in the city boroughs but it is an amazing career.  I could also retire after 20 and don’t think i will be doing it.  Whatever you guys decide best of luck and stay safe.  Remember, its better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6...


    Romans 13:4

    • Like 1
  9. Wow, you seem to be well informed about LI hunting so I figured I could ask you a question, not about water fowl but about bowhunting whitetail, hope you dont mind...


    I live in Queens but hunt my property upstate in the Catskill region.  I’ve never hunted LI but hear there are monsters out there.  I would love to try and go, I did see some regions have public land with archery season open until January 31st...


    Do I just need to post that public DEC land access permit from the DEC website and display it in my car window or do I have to check in?  Are there game wardens or DEC guys to check with?  Is it different region to region? If so where do we find out, some place that has that info, the DEC site is a little incomplete when it comes to that info.  Finally can you hunt wherever on the public land or do you have a specific area to hunt?  Hope there are not too many questions here and I appreciate the help, thanks

  10. Document EVERY THING....sounds like a non hunter...when you say opening day are you talking bow or gun?...perhaps he dislikes bow hunters....ya know...getting HIS buck before he gets a chance...lol


    No its everyday of the season, he starts his 5am drives on opening day of bow and keeps it going everyday hes up there, below is a sign posted on my property...




    I’m going try talking to him again before spring turkey, hopefully we can work it out, hes never had an issue until his business started doing poorly and he started stressing out like crazy, i feel bad but he doesnt have to take it out on my hunting, its what i love to do and its super aggravating

    • Like 1

    New York Environmental Conservation - Title 1 - § 11-0110

    § 11-0110. Interference with lawful taking of wildlife prohibited.

    1. As used in this section “wildlife” means wild game and all other

    animal life existing in a wild state, including fish, shellfish and crustacea, and “process of taking”, in addition to any act described in subdivision thirteen of section 11-0103 of this article, includes travel, camping, and other acts preparatory to taking, which occur on lands or waters upon which the affected person has the right or privilege to take such wildlife.

    2. A person is guilty of interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife when, with intent to prevent the taking of wildlife, in season, in a place where hunting, fishing or trapping is lawful, and by a person properly licensed to take such wildlife, he:

    (a) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the licensed person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or

    ( B) follows the licensed person in or about such place and engages in

    a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such licensed person and which serve no legitimate purpose.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no one shall be arrested for violation of this section by other than a duly designated peace officer acting pursuant to his special duties, or a police officer. 



    This is the NYS law verbatim, isn’t he following a licensed person in or about such place? Again if he has family up they will occasionally ride ATVs but its never at 5am everyday like he does during hunting season.  Not to mention he has already trespassed onto my property to hang Safety Zone and No Trespassing signs…kind of ironic that he is hanging no trespassing signs while trespassing…...




    The emoji is just supposed to be a “b” wrapped in parenthesis, i guess it is also a shortcut for emoji with sunglasses..lol 

    so kindly disregard the smiley face, thats actually not part of the NYS law haha

  12. True. But, the most he might get is a slap on the hand. There are no laws saying you can't ride your own ATV on your own land anytime you choose. Not like he's slashing tires or vandalizing. He's doin' his own thing on his own land. He might be acting like a doink, but, in reality, he's not breaking any real laws.


    New York Environmental Conservation - Title 1 - § 11-0110

    § 11-0110. Interference with lawful taking of wildlife prohibited.

    1. As used in this section “wildlife” means wild game and all other

    animal life existing in a wild state, including fish, shellfish and crustacea, and “process of taking”, in addition to any act described in subdivision thirteen of section 11-0103 of this article, includes travel, camping, and other acts preparatory to taking, which occur on lands or waters upon which the affected person has the right or privilege to take such wildlife.

    2. A person is guilty of interfering with the lawful taking of wildlife when, with intent to prevent the taking of wildlife, in season, in a place where hunting, fishing or trapping is lawful, and by a person properly licensed to take such wildlife, he:

    (a) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the licensed person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or

    (B) follows the licensed person in or about such place and engages in

    a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such licensed person and which serve no legitimate purpose.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no one shall be arrested for violation of this section by other than a duly designated peace officer acting pursuant to his special duties, or a police officer. 



    This is the NYS law verbatim, isn’t he following a licensed person in or about such place? Again if he has family up they will occasionally ride ATVs but its never at 5am everyday like he does during hunting season.  Not to mention he has already trespassed onto my property to hang Safety Zone and No Trespassing signs…kind of ironic that he is hanging no trespassing signs while trespassing…...

  13. Yes TSA is pretty rough when handling luggage so a strong Pelican case is great.  Despite what anyone may say regarding TSA approved locks you should know that when transporting firearms it is Illegal to have it in a case that can be opened by a master key, which is essentially what TSA locks are.  Get your own strong lock with your own keys. They will ask you to open it and even it they lock it the key must be returned to you.  Also know that you will be demonstrating that the firearm is indeed unloaded and not a TSA agent. A TSA agent is NOT authorized nor are they trained in handling firearms.  IF they feel the need to further inspect the firearm they must have an LEO there to do it, whether it be a local LEO or TSA LEO.  Just a few pointers when checking in.  Otherwise malesi1 is spot on with checking in your firearm.  You didnt say if you were hunting or competing so either way, best of luck!

  14. By the way, I just want to thank everyone who has replied with helpful info.  I will try some new things in the new year to get ready for the next season.  I have a buddy who has 500 acres in Schoharie where we have some monsters but its just nice harvesting deer from your own land so it is a bit frustrating.  Thank God does still make good eating! Thanks again everybody!

  15. Although I don't envy your situation, I think stick it out and hunt hard. Things will change. I have 25 acres my neighbor has 140 and the next 200. They are good guys, good hunters, our deer too are nocturnal. He alone is not holding all the deer off the property. How's the coyote and bear population? You said you got a nice bear.


    Funny enough coyotes were really quiet this year, didn’t see one nor did I hear them, not even at night.  I also went down to New Paltz where we have seen 2 or 3 in 10 years and I had five of them come out this year alone.  Strange hunting year this year.


    Bears are good, quite a few sows, which is what I took and we have one larger one, think its a boar, but I only got him on camera at 3am.  Took the bear in early bear season this year and she was about 6 feet long, made delicious bear sausages and am waiting for my rug to come back!

  16. bedding and water...on the opposite side of where you need to come into the alfalfa stands.......get the trail cams up and find travel routes now. Then move those when their seasonal movements change....does he do this all summer...if not take video and turn him in for harassment....they will probably just go talk to him...but before that... go knock on his door  nice an neat and clean and tell him who you are and if he has a moment...then just plain ask him..." have I done something to offend you?" that will get some dialog going if it deteriates rapidly...say thank you and leave...then call DEC and let them know you have evidence and tried to speak with him nicely.


    There is actually a large creek which divides our property where they cross from his property to mine, but again they are only crossing my property at night.  He only rides during the summer on rare occasion, usually if his family is up for a weekend or something.  I will try talking to him again and see if we can resolve this, notifying the DEC for harassment is really my last resort, I know his business isnt doing the best but that shouldnt give him an excuse to mess with our hunting.  I will definitely keep an eye on the trail cams as well as talking to him, thanks for the help

  17. If you plant that three acres with field corn, trap the coons heavy to irradicate them, and somehow keep the bears away, then you might be able to hold one of them big-ones on your 20 acres during the day. It is really the does that control the territory however, especially when the food is good compared to the surroundings, so it will not be easy.

    A second option, that may work better for holding a big buck there, would be to knock off all the food-plotting, and let the whole 20 revert to thick, nasty cover. Hinge cut, plant some fast growing evergreens, etc.. The does will move off if you cut off their food supply, creating an opening for a buck to move in.


    Maybe I will try the corn after the winter and give that a few seasons of try.  Coons I can keep out and I’ll never say no a good bear hunt.  


    Will this affect my turkey movement at all?

  18. Is your neighbor doing this because he wants you to stop hunting, or do you think he'd do it regardless of who owned the property? It's an important point.

    If for some reason it's about you personally there's probably some wiggle room regarding his stance if you make the effort. If he's a complete anti-hunter your only real hope is to somehow convince him that you're doing a good thing with your land in the broader scheme of things. Either way, without changes of attitude on both sides nothing will change. I wish you the best.


    Yea he is doing it because he doesn’t like hunters.  There is a town hunting club that has property adjacent to his as well and he is out there harassing them too.  He wasn’t like this years ago, this just started happening within the last 3 years or so.  It is getting so bad that he was coming on to my property to post Safet Zone signs!

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