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Posts posted by Localqdm

  1. I also have a High Country that must be 20 yrs old.  It is long and incredibly heavy, but it is also incredibly ACCURATE.  it has a much shorter brace height than my parker, but makes up with weight and length, both help accuracy, even though NO new bows want to market these 'qualities.'  If the bow fits you and is set up properly (WITH THE RIGHT ARROWS), and you have good form, any bow will drill bulls.

  2. My point is, if I have one, not to stop shooting or gun hunting, but that maybe some extra consideration of weapons, methods, posting property, and hunter density is a good idea--even if they are just personal decisions we all need to make, and not new legislation. 

  3. Okay, there often is discussion here about theoretical possibilities of shooting accidents and there are usually 2 crowds.  Those that aren't worried about it, say its not really likely to ever happen no matter the method of hunting; and the other crowd that often gets labeled as paranoid. 

    I'll go ahead and say I'm one of the paranoid.  I hunt areas that have heavy pressure (around us--and on us when they are trespassing) deer drives, and lots of lead flinging five shot bursts.  I didn't used to be paranoid.  When I was younger I thought these were all incidents that happen to 'someone' else, statistics or a news story.  I just recently learned about one aquaintence with a disability, that his disability was a result of a shooting accident.  The person who told me also knows/has met 2 OTHER hunters who have survived an accidental shooting while hunting--and he isn't even a hunter (He is NOT against hunting though).  I also worked with a guy who won't hunt anymore because he was with a friend who was killed in an accidental shooting while goose hunting.

    So I want to know how many guys here know someone hurt in a shooting accident?  People say the statistics are very safe, but how many other people know of someone personally? 

  4. I've made some trad bows--nothing fancy, in fact was planning on going all traditional about 5 yrs ago as I was pretty sick of messing w/gadgets that can and do break or get out of adjustment--often at the wrong time.  I think I would really enjoy still hunting w/a recurve (not ready to wave that broadhead around yet though) but with 4 kids just haven't had the time to pick up a longbow or recurve and do it justice.  So i'm kinda dependent on my compound.  Add to that the increased range and I guess I'm stuck on it.

    I'll agree w/ya that there is something a little sweeter about shooting those trad bows.

  5. NFA, I was thinking the same thing.  In the ADK where there are very few deer, I prob would shoot a young buck before I took a doe (if I needed the meat), and I am all about qdm.  Diff places require diff approaches.  Nice mass on that buck, looks like a real hog.

    Currious Nfa and nyantler, those of you who still hunt with a bow, do you ever worry about that broadhead sticking out there.  I won't walk/stalk with an arrow knocked.  Just not worth the risk to me, especially if I was on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere.  not preaching, just currious on your approach.

  6. Welcome to the site NFA.  I don't believe that there are mature bucks everywhere though.  Some places have much less cover than the ADKs and much more pressure, with an occasional 3 yr old wandering through. These places may also be over run w/does compounding the 'problem' of seeing a mature buck during the rut.  If you stalk or drive in these areas, the buck gets nailed by you or more likely, someone else after it crosses the property line.  Yes, things might be different a couple miles away with heavier cover, but everyone has their property limitations.

    In western NY we already have all the hunters in the woods at the same time (opening day, and every saturday).  There are good, dedicated hunters out there that have hunted their whole lives and never taken a 3 yr old, much less a mature buck.  You could say they are not actively hunting mature bucks and they need to hunt where these bucks are, like the ADK's, but then we would agree; they aren't everywhere ;)

    I am blessed to hunt a farm that is strictly managed, with other properties nearby that are strictly managed too, and we occasionally see a 4 yr old.  Trail cams and spotting scopes don't lie. 

    I'm not saying we have to have a shorter season, or we have to have mature deer, just that it prob would help some squeak through, and I don't mind saying I enjoy seeing em.  I would like it to be shorter so things would calm down and we would see some movement in the late mzldr season/bow too.  It's pretty much impossible to hunt late bow on the farm here unless I hung a stand before season smack in the middle of a bedding area.  But if we do that then we can't really expect to hold deer on the property.

    Not complaining, just see the reasons why it could be helpful.

  7. With that set up you can take pics 300+yds away without a lot of loss in quality, if you have enough light and a decent scope.  with a camcorder that has a 20x zoom multiplied through your scope's 20x you are zooming 400x and could see very well half a mile away, not kidding.  Keeping her steady and autofocused become the hard part.  All my stuff is on my other computer or I would try to show some examples.  The video I posted a week ago or so wasn't focused because I hadn't used that particular camcorder set up before, and it was a quick grab get the buck on video kinda deal, and the scope and camera weren't mated well, and then I compressed the video pretty good to post it.  That buck was a few hundred yds away and I was hardly zoomed with the camcorder.

  8. wny, have you ever looked into digiscoping.  It definitely has its limitations, but if you aren't looking for pro (but can still get excellent results) with extreme zoom capability on the cheap, it may be the way to go.  One of the big limitations is light, you are limited by the size of the eyepiece on the scope. 

    You can get excellent results w/point and shoot through a scope done right, with enough light.  I made my own drilling a couple of holes in a board, one for the spotting scope, the other for a camera mount (1/4--20 thread for both).  With extreme zooms (multiply your camera's zoom by the scope zoom--if your camera is 2x optical and your scope is 20x you are zooming 40x) the pic tends to shake bad with every heart beat.  So I can rest the end of my board on something (truck window) and the near end on my shoulder to steady and focus. 

    Yeah its pretty redneck, but it works and i can't even imagine what a 40x zoom lense for a camera would cost.

  9. If I am not mistaken ( which I may be) there has NEVER been a B&C  whitetail scored from Steuben County.  More seasons than not, Steuben has the highest buck kill and the highest total deer kill, but theren't many real monsters, mostly because most bucks don't survive long enough. Plenty of bucks make the 140 inch Big Buck Club minimum, but that's a long way from B&C, which I believe is 170 inches net. The biggest buck I ever personally saw  taken here netted 168 and change. 

    The real hogs come from the Adirondacks and the Lake Plains south of lake Ontario.

    I never thought the Adirondacks really had big antlered deer, but huge bodied deer.  I've seen the Salerno's and other Adirondack buck sites, and haven't really seen many big antlered bucks, a few, not many.  Nice bucks, but the habitat/weather is rough there.  If anyone's got some pics proving otherwise, I'd like to see them (Nyanter?). 

  10. I had a nice 8 hang around in 1993 and was able to find his sheds that spring..years went by and never saw or heard of anyone getting him or even a pic of him..I was able to harvest him in 2000 as an 8 1/2 year old. Putting the sheds next to him its no mistake it the same deer! Where it was for 6 years is anyones guess.....deer do weird things.....and can survive an orange army as well!

    Habitat makes a big difference in those chances though.  Big ag areas with heavy pressure are less likely to see older deer without qdm in place.

  11. I built one similar a few years ago, but instead of knotching out the stringers for the 2x4 rungs, I drilled a 5/8 hole and cut 5/8 rebar rungs and pounded them in.  I had to add a couple reinforcing blocks behind the stringers so it wouldn't rack though. 

    Doubt I'll do another though.  After it was all said and done, I decided I spent just as much as a steel ladder stand, and worked alot harder  :'(

  12. Yep, most of those shows are just half hour commercials.  Look at my Scent Blocker suit, Nikon Binoculars, Matthews Bow, Thompson Center gun, Real Tree Camo, etc.  Then they take a break for a bunch of commercials from all their sponsors.  All they show is 3 min of hunting where the deer comes in and they either have a shot or they don't.  Rarely will they show you WHY they are hunting a particular stand, or the surrounding conditions and the decision making process.  That would actually be helpful, you don't need ANY of the brand names they are advertising.

    I do like some of the deer and deer hunting stuff though. 


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