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  1. $1,000 max not including a scope. But, I wouldn't mind paying less.
  2. I'm looking for a new deer rifle chambered in .308. I'm looking for a bolt action rifle with a wood stock. Wood stock in mandatory. For some reason, hunting and wood stocks go together to me. What's my best bet in a deer rifle with the above features?
  3. I have two preference points for the WMU I will be hunting. Do I have better odds of getting a doe permit if I purchase my license today versus 1 month from now?
  4. I have two preference point from applying the past two years in this WMU. I thought by resident they meant residents of that WMU get preferred treatment. Didn't realize it was a resident of NY.
  5. "Preference points will be required for first permits for residents with no other permits available. " What does this mean? I have two preference points for the unit I hunt, but I am not a resident. Does this mean another season with no doe permit?
  6. Any Long Island deer hunters here? I've never hunted public land before but I'm thinking about it this season to extend my season. I'm always a little worried about public land. Not knowing the land or where other hunters are. I have only hunted upstate on private land. Any pointers? Am I too late to hunt public land this season? I was looking online and I saw something about a lottery.
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