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Everything posted by CharlieNY

  1. I shoot standard slick trick broadheads but my son shoots a not so well known broadhead called Tooth of the Arrow Broadheads. He has had fantastic results with them and has taken turkey, whitetails, and a black bear with them. I have attached a link if you want to take a look at them. valoroutdoors.com. https://www.toothofthearrowbroadheads.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu7OIBhCsARIsALxCUaNoa6VkSyyOLTxtRF0yB89YM7hnqI4uBaGXZNt5v1qDAHOMfjZUNPAaAhsdEALw_wcB
  2. From us at valoroutdoors.com
  3. I agree that the sentences were too light. They both needed to do some time. In addition the judge should have sentenced them to 250 hours of community service working with the State Wildlife Agency. I certainly hope their employer did the right thing and gave them both the boot. valoroutdoors.com
  4. I've been watching this guy this year and have posted pics of him showing his rack growth. His rack keeps growing beautifully and I sure hope to see him in the Fall. valoroutdoors.com
  5. I've been getting pics on a regular basis of this doe and fawn this year. As you can see the camera doesn't bother them in the least. valoroutdoors.com
  6. Kudos to you for mounting him with one good eye and one that he lost as he appeared in life. Many taxidermists like to repair natural flaws in animals that they mount. I believe that mounts should include any naturally occurring flaws or defects the animal possessed in life and should be as realistic as possible. You did a nice job. valoroutdoors.com
  7. Happy Birthday to you and the USA. valoroutdoors.com
  8. Hoping everyone has a safe and enjoyable 4th of July. valoroutdoors.com
  9. One of my trail cams photographed a rare all black coyote on my property today. My research on black coyotes shows them to be rare but not unheard of. I hope to see him during bow season this Fall. valoroutdoors.com
  10. I'm seeing those stumps on the buck I posted above on June 11 start to branch out. valoroutdoors.com
  11. Starting to see some growth now. I'm hoping to get some pics in the future as those stumps grow. valoroutdoors.com
  12. My first fawn this year with momma. valoroutdoors.com
  13. Please come back next Spring after your 2nd birthday. valoroutdoors.com
  14. May the Good Lord protect all those who serve so that we may enjoy our freedoms. valoroutdoors.com
  15. Super. This is definitely a win-win for Mila and your family. Wishing you many happy years together. valoroutdoors.com
  16. Very nice. Now be sure to take them in the field with you and call in a big old gobbler. It is much more rewarding when you are successful when using something you made yourself like making your own decoys or making your own arrows etc. valoroutdoors.com
  17. For the last 2 weeks I have had single mature hens come in to my fields in 2 separate locations that are 10 miles apart. Both of these hens walked in from the far end of the fields and we're clucking and cutting loudly. They would stop every so often and give out a very short low volume yelp followed immediately with clucking. We actually recorded the hens calling so that we could use the recordings for practice. There is no better calling teacher than a real hen on the move. Several years ago I heard the worst turkey calling ever from a neighbor's woods. I was convinced it was one of the neighbor's kids walking through the woods with a newly purchased call. The calls were way too loud and we're too frequent and off key. I waited for the kid to exit the woods and to my surprise saw a mature hen come out still calling. I learned a lesson. It is not what the call sounds like to a human but what it sounds like to a bird that counts. valoroutdoors.com
  18. You and only you will know when it's time. Like many others I have had to make this decision many times before. When you feel that the time has come that will be the right time and not when others tell you. May God bless Gus. valoroutdoors.com
  19. From all of us at valoroutdoors.com
  20. My son got a nice bird this morning. He came in and attacked our jake decoy. valoroutdoors.com
  21. I am so glad to hear he is doing good after this terrible incident. This terrible incident does illustrate a few things that we should all learn from and practice whenever we go to the Range. First never go alone. Having his dad there definitely helped save his life. Second always wear eye protection when shooting. His eye protection saved his right eye for sure. Lastly only use new commercially manufactured ammunition in your firearm. Don't gamble with old surplus ammo. valoroutdoors.com
  22. Otto I am so sad to hear of your loss. Unfortunately I share a similar story with you. When I was a young man of 16 years and in high school my dad asked me what I wanted for a birthday present. I told him I wanted a bird dog as there were plenty of pheasants here in the Finger Lakes region. My dad got me a male Brittany pup I named Rex. He was 6 weeks old. At 8 weeks he was pointing butterflies in our yard. He grew up to be a great pheasant and woodcock dog. He had an unusual ability to climb out of my chain link kennel and we had to fence over the top of the kennel to keep him in. He was a gentle loving dog and a hard hunter. I got him on my 16th birthday and found him dead in the kennel exactly 13 years later on my 29th birthday. I never got another bird dog after him and I sure do miss him to this day. valoroutdoors.com
  23. In addition to the other good tips posted I have a couple. I like to place my decoys close to me generally 15 yards. I have bagged some nice birds doing this. If a Tom comes in to the decoys it makes for a nice easy shot. If the Tom decides to hang up 20 yards from the decoys he still is in good killing range. I primarily hunt out of a ground blind. My other tip is to use a thermacell to keep the bugs away. If you are constantly swatting flies away you will get picked off. Without fail they always seem to show up just when you have a bird coming in if you don't have a thermacell going. valoroutdoors.com
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