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Posts posted by WhitetailAddict11

  1. No, that is not a rub either. That's simply dead bark falling off the tree, exposing the wood underneath. You have the right idea though. Here's a few more pics of rubs from over the years. post-959-14468298162637_thumb.jpgpost-959-14468298261539_thumb.jpgpost-959-14468298388241_thumb.jpgpost-959-14468298779582_thumb.jpg

    Notice how most rubs have an orangish tint to them, and soft wood underneath. Thought this is not always the case, most often then will have that orangish look to them which often times is what will catch your eye when you find a rub in the woods.

  2. Old rubs would be what I would look for. Particularly old rubs on sizable trees. Scrapes don't tell the whole story, a small buck can make a lot of scrapes. If you're just looking for a place to shoot deer, general deer sign would suffice.

  3. Long ways from me as well. Keep an eye out for seminars, outdoor shows, etc. where you would be able to surround yourself by guys and girls that hunt. Other than that, do some reading up on the type of hunting you would like to do so you have a good starting point and just sort of freestyle from there. Much of hunting is time spent learning things on your own and creating your own way of doing things, that's what makes some of us great hunters and others of us great story tellers.

    • Like 2
  4. I agree 100% But the 770's I have handled, and the one I have shot, are over the top cheap crap. Everything on the stock like the trigger guard and swivel inserts are one big cheap piece of plastic, the actions are catchy and rougher than hell. The triggers are a joke. They sacrificed a lot to make an "Affordable" rifle. The 783's are custom shop competition rifles, compared to these things.

    If opening day is tomorrow,you are on a VERY tight budget and you can't find a good used rifle, then by all means buy a 770. Don't try to convince yourself that you are getting a good rifle at half the price…you're not.

    I very much agree with this.
  5. The 783's aren't all that bad. Nowhere near great, but not too bad. IMHO, If you want to see the biggest turd of a rifle, ever put out by a major manufacturer, check out the Remington 770. When you get done laughing..WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!

    ** haha! Now that's funny!

    I have the same flyer. It's $249.98 after the $50 mail in rebate. You pay $299.98+tax up front. From what it reads that's also only for 30.06 and 7mm Mag, and limited by store. Maybe a close out sale.

    Same offer is on the site:


    Maybe they are falling off, but competition is getting stiffer. Ruger and Savage are making some top quality rifles at a lower cost to buy.

    Hell, even companies like Tika and Howa are making quality rifles at a better price. I forget what the Tika's are based on, but, my Howa is based on a Weatherby Vanguard, and that little stinker handles and shoots great.

    Some people are trying out the lesser names and getting solid performance and quality while saving a few hundred bucks. Maybe Remington is seeing this and just trying to stay in a competitive market.

    ** I bought a Tikka T3 in .308 last year around the end of the season so I never hunted with it. I just got to fire it this past weekend and I'm incredibly happy with it. My last two shots after getting it hitting where I wanted were so nearly through the same hole that you had to look close to see it was actually two holes. Really excited to shoot a deer with it. The Tikka is the sister brand of the well respected Sako rifle manufacturer.
  6. Is it just me, or has Remington really fallen off over the last 5 years? I saw in a Dick's Sporting Goods flyer today that they're selling a Remington 783 for $250 with a $40 mail-in rebate. Since when in the hell did Remington start making a rifle that sells for $210!? It's disappointing that the makers of one of the finest bolt action platforms ever created, the model 700, would turn out what I would assume to be a complete piece of crap. Yes, I realize I'm making an assumption here, but how good of quality can the components possibly be on a rifle selling for this cheap brand new.

  7. My father wouldn't trade his Remington 700 mountain rifle in 7mm-08 for anything. Has always shot Hornady light magnums with 139g interlocks. That bullet is now known as Hornady American Whitetail. Same bullet, different name. Has had great luck with them over the last 12 or so years.

  8. What a horse of a doe! Good looking drain hole you put in her too, got to love those Rage's. Based on your pics over the years you seem to hunt some beautiful property out your way. Great stuff man and congrats.

  9. You definitely need to make sure you shoot your bow today and figure out what the issue was or is. In hunting and in life, one of your greatest tools is your piece of mind. If you don't believe in your equipment when that moment of truth comes, you are already behind the 8 ball. Confidence goes along way when you draw your bow on a critter.

    • Like 1
  10. I started doing the hang and hunt style last year, which in case you're not familiar with that, is a style of hunting where you carry in climbing sticks and a lock on stand, and hang the set and hunt from it. A style popular with a lot of guys because it doesn't require you to find a straight/limbless tree that is required for a climbing stand. Carrying in a lock on gives you more options when it comes to trees, however the trade off is that it's not always quite as quick or convenient. That being said, you are able to hunt a new area every time you go in the woods, and as we all know, typically your first sit in a new area is going to be your most productive sit if the deer are there. Although you were on the ground, it's all fairly relevant. Hunting from a tree definitely increases visibility though and may help with keeping your scent above their nose.

  11. The only problem I have found is that like 2 out of the 6 nocturnals I have don't clip onto the my string they just sort of slide on. They are holding on just fine, but I find they don't fly quite as well as the ones that clip on. For that reason I hunt with the ones that clip on and practice now and then with the ones that just slide on.

  12. Agreed. Sometimes the hardest part about bow hunting is deciding what move to make next when you've shot a deer but aren't sure where exactly your arrow hit. In fact the last two deer I've shot with a bow I never even saw the arrow or where it hit the deer, I only heard the "thwack". All I had to go off was the amount of of blood on the ground that let me know it was a good hit, but other than that, it can leave ya scratching your head.

  13. I've never really gotten into the lighted nock crowd because I wasn't convinced they were all that necessary. Not to mention the first set I bought about 3 years ago made my arrows fly very funky and unpredictable. Well I bought a pack of nocturnals this year after guys saying good things about them, and they shot just as well as regular plastic nocks. Well I finally got to give them a try on a nice doe Saturday evening and I was very impressed. I was able to see the flight of the arrow the entire time, and the really cool part was watching it zip through her lungs and stick in the ground, clear as day. I'll be using them from hear on out for anyone who was skeptical of them like I once was.


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  14. Good stuff guys, looking forward to trying it. As I said, I get plenty of pics just from the attractiveness of the corn being cut but I figure with so much deer activity in the field that a buck entering the field would have a tough time passing up the opportunity to check out the smells. I just hope he smiles when his pic is taken!

  15. I have a particular field that I get hundreds of pics off of every year within the first few days after the corn gets chopped. It always gives me a good inventory of what bucks are on this property and better yet, it's one of my most accessible bow stands. Was thinking about making a mock scrape in the next few weeks and hanging a scrape dripper over it so it's kept fresh and saves me from having to disturb the area anymore than is necessary to check the camera. What's your experiences with a scrape dripper, is it worth the $20?

  16. I agree. I don't see the issue unless you're wearing and red and blue bandana and gobbling... which would be weird as you should be calling to sound like a hen.

    Agreed Belo, this is something I have always said myself. Safety of course should always be in the forefront of your mind but if you're stalking another hunter during the spring then you would be stalking the sound of a hen which doesn't make any sense. Sure there are guys that use gobble calls but I have yet to here a gobble call that doesn't sound completely ridiculous. Gotta love the guy that ruins a perfectly good gobbling morning by shaking his damn gobble call a little after first light and shuts them all up for the rest of the morning... -__-

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