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Syracuse.com - CNY trap shooting league standings (week of June 5)

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This includes a listing of shooters who shot 25 out of 25 clays. 11145149-large.jpgCNY Trap League Northern Division Central Square 193 (0)South Shore 196 (2) North Sportsman 190 (0)Pathfinder 200 (2) Bye 0 (0)Toad Harbor 0 (0) Southern Division Pompey198 (0)Skaneateles199 (2) Dewitt195 (2)Bridgeport193 (0) Three Rivers197 (1)Camillus197 (1) Standings Northern Division Team, points and birds Pathfinder 13 1,377 South Shore 11 1,562 Toad Harbor 10 1,379 North Sportsman 4 1,501 Central Square 1 486 Southern Division Team, points, birds Pompey 16 1,976 Skaneateles 11 1,952 Camillus 11 1,952 Bridgeport 11 1,938 Three Rivers 9 1,903 Dewitt 2 1,895 25 of 25 Bridgeport: Doug Carr Camillus: 75 Tom Anthony + 25s Len Kallfelz + Bill Parfitt + Jack Gutchess + John Major Central Square: Myron Johnson + Bob Barr Dewitt: Joe Sacco 1st + Tim Craner + Rick Kenyon North Sportsman: Gary Loope + Henry Gass Pathfinder: 50 Norm Nelson + 25 Dennis Chillson + John Wallace + Dan Gregory 1st + Bob Weldin + Todd Lund + Doug Carroll + George Davies Pompey: 100 Cliff Haaf + 50 Jeff Cain + 25s Don & Nathan Stroup + Wayne Wilcox + Tim Wilcox Skaneateles: 50 Ken Banner + Justin Slater + 25s Charlie Faes + Dave Barron + Jim Dries + Ted Kochanik + Bruce Card South Shore: 75 Marc Young + 25s Collin Coogan + Chris Coogan + Ray Kubacki Three Rivers: 75 Joe Fredericks + 25s Wes Woolridge Sr + Rick Liberty + Nick Dunn + Ray Burgett Toad Harbor: Bye

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