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2021 The Year of Almost


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Enjoyed chasing deer in three states with my hunting partner, but wow, was this past year ever frustrating. I encountered more mature bucks from the stand than I saw in the prior three years combined. I went down to Ohio yesterday to prep for turkey season and pulled a cam I believed would have photos of some of the deer I saw from the stand at that time. I witnessed the photos being taken as painful a reminder it is, lol. I let the cam sit so I could learn for this year. It was a long wait letting it go from Nov (set on 11/10) til now. It brings back the frustration and "so close" feeling instantly. The cam is 7-8 years old too.

Hard to be at peace when I saw all of these bucks with open shots between 50-60 yards from the stand, made moves appropriately to get closer and when I did get within bow range of all three of them, none of them presented me with clear shots. All obscured by brush or came out too dark to shoot (still legal but I couldn't find my peep on the wide 8 the evening of 11/10 @ 25 yards or so).

Such is life. I can only confirm one made it post hunting season.

Cam is one hour ahead, but the two bigger bucks on 11/27 (4:44 and 5:31 are two different bucks, but there are four bucks posted from that day) got into a knock down drag out fight in front of me at 50 yards about 20 minutes prior. Never seen anything like it before.

Figured I'd share. Here is to a "closer" 2022! *Edit. Not sure why but they post out of order. The photo with the yearling doe has the buck trailing to the right if you can spot him. Also, the 4:44 buck won against the 5:31 buck. Eventually over-powered him and ran him off down the creekline. The 4:44 was markedly bigger in person. Hard to explain, but he was much larger body and rack wise.




















Edited by phade
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I killed my personal best in bow but was so close to sealing it up in gun with another buck I would be proud of. I've never double tagged good bucks, 1 is usually a scrubber. Last week of regular season a good one came out after legal time in evening and that night he bedded in a spot that allowed him to bust me on the way into stand in the morning. I did find 1 shed from him I'm pretty sure so he's around.


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