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Mock scrapes


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well after reading everyone's input I think my plan of action is going to be to set a couple mid september... gonna get some preorbital for the branch, and spray one spray of mock scrape and then wiz in it and see what happens,., should be a fun little experiment that will hopefully pay off this season and many more to come...

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"One other scrape observation that I've made is that, very few does visit the scrapes. I don't think they go out of their way to do it either, but just causally as they are walking by. I always read that does urinate in the scrapes and such, but I have NEVER once in 5+ years of getting literaly hundreds of scrape videos, seen a doe urinate in it! They walk by, sniff, and keep walking! They don't interact with the scrape or overhanging branch at all to purposely leave scent there."

Cabin: I agree with you about the doe pee, but I have a lot of clips and jpgs of does over the years, visiting scrapes and working the overhanging branch. In my experience, does add their chemistry to the overhanging branch too as well as the bucks and in this way, maybe they synchronize for the rut. JMO

It surprised me when I read that you didn't have any interaction of does at scrapes. I wonder why the difference?


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I made 2 mock scrapes last yr I from personal experience (learned)

that cams near scrapes does affect the bigger mature bucks.So I make 2

mock scrapes using code blue scrape paks,the 30 day ones but I also re-

freshen with golden estrus starting late oct or early nov about when i see bucks

following or chasing doe's I usaully run them in line with a natural scrape line

(community) scrape line a mature bucks always looking for a fight from a

new buck in the territory.I also use a buck urine very sparingly.in my scrapes.

Look at my pics most of my kills are because they got fooled.But depending on

time on stand and how nocturnal your older bucks are the real action and best time

to harvest a mature dominate buck is at peek rut or later in the season 27 days

after the peek rut ends the false or late rut kicks in.my 3 biggest bucks were taken

at this time.Less pressure, more day time movement,oh and they will hit late food

sources more simply because they know theres less does that need to be bred.

I hope i helped but if you need to use cams use them more as a scouting tool

not a following tool.Your biggest advantage is more time afield and knowing your

hunting land,pressure,food sources,water sources and most of all your doe movements.

They will lead you to the big boys everytime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started two yesterday....one near a watering hole on edge of trail the other under a favorite tree line along a fence ...decided to wait a few days before putting a cam on them to see if they were getting hit first,,,was just out working some fencing and wondered over...60yrds apart...one with a drip...fresh prints...the other had a soaked scent pad 6ft high a lick branch under and the scrape...pad was tore off and 4ft away scrape dug up...So will get cams on them mid week...I just might finally get a buck pic....

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This is the time of year I routinely find scrapes along trails that I'm mowing for the last time..travel routes..but never payed too much attention...because travel routes change with crop cuttings and fall plantings growing...bucks just breaking up...but doe here routinely get bred early...which is why I'm glad for the early opener...all these pics were early Sept..before corn... :(...these guys were out with the girls in the field..and had been doing some chasing..just didn't get cam in time

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Ha! I have to admit, more than once over the years during the past hunting seasons I have rested my butt in that old chair. I have a tree stand overlooking it and the scrape....can't wait until opening day...I would love to get that one of the buck's coming into the scrape that have been caught on the camera! And then get the chair in the background of the photo!

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I had my camera sitting on a dog kennel...so much for scent control! lol

This buck licked the lens...you can see the inside of its mouth (roof of mouth!) I do not use anything to attract bucks other than mock scrape and zip-tied overhanging branches and licking branches from other scrapes.

Buck licking camera inside mouth -1.AVI

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