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Syracuse.com - Brothers have great time during annual St. Lawrence River fishing trip

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All their fish were caught on homemade spinners with worms.

11461026-large.jpgSubmitted photoTom Andrews with a couple of nice fish.

The following email and phots was sent in by Tom Andrews, of Pompey:

My brother Jerry and I (yes, we actually ARE Tom and Jerry) went on our annual fishing trip to the St. Lawrence near Ogdensburg the week of July 28. We didn't get anything really spectacular this year, but as you can see from the photos, we did OK.

" Between the two of us, we caught 8 walleyes, all between 19 1/2 and 22 inches. We ate one (VERY tasty!) and froze the other filets to enjoy all winter. We didn't click with the bass so well, but we did get some nice ones. The biggest was 16 1/2 inches, with two others coming in at 15 and 14 1/2. All were caught on homemade spinners with worms.

"The gobies were hungry, too - but even they didn't seem to be so numerous this year. Could be the bass and walleyes are keeping the population better in check. I wouldn't be surprised if the cormorants are helping with that, too."

11461029-large.jpgSubmitted photoJerry Andrews with a walleye.

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