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Shutting Down the 2012 Deer Season Lots of Pics


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What a long season. I feel like today is the first day I have been able to take a breath since October 1.

Goals set as soon as the 2011 Deer Season closed:

1. Kill a mature buck

2. Hunt Ohio and help FIL to kill a deer

3. Accomplish Goal 2, then kill a nice buck in Ohio

2012 Deer Season Actual Performance:

1. Killed a mature buck at least 4.5 years old, and DEC biologist said probably 5.5 or 6.5. (Awaiting tooth aging results)

2. FIL shot first deer in 40 years. Used Xbow in Ohio and he was ecstatic.

3. Shot a 2.5 y/o buck in Ohio on last 15 minutes of time there. (Little under-performance here, but done at request of landowner/farmer)

4. Met a new friend and helped him hit a home run of a first hunting season.

Now, the pics and lilght commentary.

Summer Scouting:





October 1: Shot the funky non-typical opening afternoon on a text book set-up. Long shot at 55 yds, but practice paid off. Had another target buck pass by within 30 seconds. NY Bow season effective over.





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November Ohio:


Talk about a letdown. This deer walks under my stand and I had to watch it. Nice big buck, but I backed out as a guy was hunting nearby.



FIL got his doe!

Last night in Ohio: 30 yard shot in da' heart. Took him at request of owner and farmer to fill a tag...any tag...on any deer...as it was my last night there. Of course I would, the landowner and farmer were great hosts. Met new friends.


Some Ohio bucks got away...one of them is the one that passed by my set.

2012 Ohio Buck Cam 1.bmp

2012 Ohio BUck Cam 2.bmp

Ohio scenery:




NY Gun Season

Encountered target buck 2x. Got a lead on him first night, and made the move the next day. Perfect set up, just never saw him come in at last light, and I didn't know it until I had one foot on the ground and one foot on the stand step. He knew the game was up and left in a hurry. Never saw him again on stand. Shot a doe with the MZ opening week.


Buck left me his calling card though, about 20 yards behind the stand of our close encounter.


Moog5050: Met him on here, real nice guy and sounds like we'll be friends for many years to come. I was able to help him scout and set up on his first ever deer, but from there on out, he was out of the gates like a thoroughbred at Ketucky Downs. Class act...and after learning his never fail personality, I can see why he shot so many deer his first season.




Looking forward to 2013...Mr. Target Buck shows up and confirmed he made it through the season this weekend. All busted up and coming back to the same bed I know he likes. I'm dancing with this dude on October 1.


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