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DEC Check in station

Lord of War

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So I have been hunting rocky point and I understand that starting Nov 1 I will have to go to the dec check in station in order to park.  I have never done this before and just wanted some clarification on what this process is.  Do they just give you a parking permit?  is it for a specified spot?  Being new I just want to know about it before I go.

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I haven't been out there in years but you used to have to line up early for passes because pheasant season opens and there will be alot of them. You will need a reservation on weekends that you get by calling Monday morning before that weekendThis is the process from the last time I hunted there. They didn't give specific parking spots then, you could park in any open spot but had to stay on that side of the road. Good luck

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Daily Access Permit Procedures for Hunting Rocky Point and Otis Pike

From November 1 through December 31, all hunting on Rocky Point (except spots nos. 7A & 25) and parts of Otis Pike (parking spot nos. 1 through 12, 14 and 15, 17 through 22 and 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 49, 50 and 52) is by daily access permit only. Daily access permits can be obtained at the Ridge Hunter Check Station.

Non-holiday Weekdays

Monday through Friday, daily access permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Daily access permits are issued 45 minutes before sunrise for archers and waterfowlers and 15 minutes before sunrise for small-game hunters. On weekdays, hunters arriving before the check station opens must park in numbered parking spots in front of the check station according to the order of their arrival and must sign the list at the check station window to ensure their place in line.

Day-Before Reservations for Archery and Waterfowl Hunters

On non-reservation days, waterfowl hunters and archery deer hunters who would like to hunt on the Rocky Point or the Otis Pike Preserve may reserve a parking site the day before they want to hunt. To make a "day-before" reservation, you must call the Ridge Check Station at 631-924-3156 between 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM the day before you want to hunt (Sunday through Thursday only). After making a "day-before" reservation, hunters must pick up their permits and placards and leave their licenses in a drop box on the porch of the check station anytime after 6:00 PM the night before they hunt. This will allow hunters to go directly to their reserved parking spots in the morning. Hunters must still check in at the Check Station no later than one-half hour after sunset on the day they hunt.

The following spots may be reserved on the afternoon before hunting: Rocky Point spots: 1, 6, 9, 18, 22*, 26* (*two-car spots; only one can be reserved as an early-out spot) 29, 30-41, 43-44, 49 and 50. Otis Pike Preserve spots are: 3, 5, 7, 10 or 12**, 14 and 15, 17 or 19**, 36, 49, 50 and 52 (**only one of these two spots will be given out as an early-archery or early-waterfowl spot). If you make an early-out reservation, you may hunt only the species for which the reservation was made. Any archer who fails to use two early-out reservations in one month will be barred from making or using any early-out reservations for the remainder of the month. The list of eligible spots is subject to change. If you wish to hunt at a parking spot other than one of those listed above, you must follow normal procedures.

Weekends, Holidays and November 1st

On November 1, weekends and holidays, hunting at these areas is by reservation only. Reservations may be made by calling 631-924-3156. Reservations for a Saturday will be taken on the Saturday before the reserved day. Reservations for Sundays, Election Day, Veterans Day and November 1 will be taken on the Sunday before the reserved day. However, if November 1 or Veterans Day falls on a Sunday, reservations will be taken two Sundays prior to the reserved day.

Reservations for the Rocky Point Area will be taken from 8:30 to 10:00 AM. Reservations for the Otis Pike Preserve will be taken from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. After 12:30 PM, reservations may be made for all properties. Only one reservation may be made per call. Reservations may not be made before the times listed above and may not be made in person. When making a reservation, you will need to provide your name and date of birth. In return, you will be given a number corresponding to your place in line on the day of the hunt.

Hunters are allowed to make or use a maximum of seven reservations in November and six in December. Hunters who fail to use two reservations that they have made in the same month will be barred from making or using any reservations for the remainder of the month.

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