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Desert Tactical Arms refuses $15 million arms deal with Pakistan

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We the people............... Desert Tactical has refused an arms deal with Pakistan  for a total of $15 million. They feel  the guns would fall in to the wrong hands and be used against our troops.  Wait .............this sounds familiar . Anybody remember Fast and Furious , when guns where allowed to be sold and illegally transported into Mexico , to supply the drug lords.  Border patrol agent , Brian Terry was killed by a gun that was traced to the Fast and Furious gun sale.  Eric Holder, this death is on your shoulders , and of course he has been able to side step, with  his song and dance routine to refuse to testify as to what really happened.  Along with the rest of the whining liberals , Coumo, Pelosi, Reid,Holder, Shummer , GillIbrand AND THE LIST GOES ON .  Lets support Desert Tactical for their decision to help to keep America and our troops safe.

 Repeal NY Safe..........................................

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