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More gun love from the Democrats

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Unfortunately its not your Daddy's Democrat party anymore. Reasonable minded moderate democrats have become the exception.


I don't dispute that.  Nor do I dispute that the original post is an awful idea.  I just think it needs to be admitted that the same can be said about either party.  Once you really look at it, there's no real difference between the two. 

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Yes republicans have let us down some. But, come on Wildcats, if you look at any gun control legislation and the voting record of those involved it becomes instantly clear which party has the destruction of the second amendment in its sights. To say there is no difference between the two parties is lunacy. At least look at the roll call vote of the Safe Act or any similar piece of legislation before making a comment that there is no real difference between the two parties.

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It's all part of the agenda of the Left.  It's not just gun control they want, it's just complete control.  There is nothing you do they don't want to be in control of.


It's a free country.  You're free to do what ever they let you do.


And like adkbuck said, when it comes to gun laws that infringe, or confiscate and ban, it's not the GOP, Independents or Libertarians that are proposing, and passing, these laws.


This proposal, by this crazed Democrat woman, (and there are many of them) to ban children's clothes from having an NRA logo on them, is actually mind control and tyranny.  But, they're OK with that.


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