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Daikon Radish Are

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Being planted this afternoon. Got the call this morning that seed came in Min -tilled ground this morning with a good roll down. Seed price came in at $157 / bag. Oats were $7.35 / bag. Urea ran $21.80 / # bulk. See if this coming rain will pop them through by next week.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Mine are coming up very nicely ...I only put them in that very wet area for they can handle that type of soil over turnips....I also wanted to try to improve the tilth...though I'm sure it will work we shall see. When are you planting the oats? I was told the WW wont be in until mid August and no price yet.

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I plant common feed oats. Have for many years here. Readily available and more reasonable price. Does great. This year, I planted oats with the radish. I figure a great source of nutrients for the deer early, then when they die off, the radish will absorb the nitrogen, feed the deer into next year. Deer come in hammering the oats every year planted. We'll find out if the radish can handle the traffic.

So far, about 2 1/2 acres are planted. Went with 8 lb./ acre on the radish seed. Oats came in just about half of what normally planted alone. Going to mix up the planting dates a week or so, with another 1 1/2 acres next week. With the deer activity that been absorbed, I figure a not her couple acres should be adicuate. The urea went on, as always, a little heavier than wanted at 90 lb/ acre. Pelleted flow through the spreader a lot faster, LOL.

I also use feed wheat for seed. Most of it is one year from certified anyways at a significant savings

On another note, I was quite surprised how little moisture is in the ground here. When I mii-tilled the plow layer, the dust was flying. Very dry for all the June rainfall we had. Very thank full for the thunder showers we had yesterday and this morning. Should be right up.

Can you post some pics of yours. Quite curious how your plantings are doing.

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I have to say that the soil is very dry here as well. I was lterally covered in dirt all day yesterday from tilling. Every time I got off the tractor I felt like Pigpen from the Peanuts, with a big cloud of dust flying off of me. When I hopped in the shower, the water was brown coming off of me. I sure hope we get some rain in the next couple of days like they are predicting.

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Got out in the opservation platform last evening. Three nice Jakes came in, deciding on taking a turkey bath, dusting themselves in a dryed up sodded area of the field. They were nice size. I sat there questioning whether to watch them or chase them out. I watched them, LOL. Turkey to my right and deer to my left eating legumes. Two hens with 18 poults walked across the meadow, deer not even flinching an eyebrow. Nice enjoyable evening!

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Not here... I just disced the upper WW area for planting later and it is dark and has great moisture ..I also disced and planted the upper horse shoe plot and that was in even better shape...combo of HR/TTT/PT and a little red clover. We have a pretty good storm front moving in ...so I am going down to the Max Attract plot and lay down some extra red and ladino clover with a sprinkling of turnips...

I found soybeans sprouting in the new alfalfa plot...not sure if they are the re-seeding ones or the reg ag ones that were in there last year and survived...either way I'll take it!!.

The kidney and pinto beans are 4 in. tall all ready in the Max Attract plot.They are turning out to be a pleasant surprise as experiments go.

The lane way and a trail plot are dying down nicely for a late planting...

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Not too muggy here, what a wonderful breeze!...rain is due around 3pm today...that should help with the weed kill so I can start disc/dragging that area...BTW turkeys took out nearly all the grains in the Max Attract plot   peas ,beans,chicory and clovers looking good though.

 Went out last night with my head lamp on to walk the dogs Holy Cow it's a wonder we can breath at all and now I know why the house is so dusty...All the corn fields are in pollen the air in front of my light was just thick with pollen and dust particles...a bit eery looking actually...

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Radish came up good in some areas, others are poking through now with the rainfall that helped. Oats are poking through now too. Turkey fly out of their roosting tree right near the radish, then walk in. They made dusting bowls in one area, using them daily now. Don't seem to be eating the radish, but, they at nipping off the oats. I got some nice molting feathers under their roost trees. Taking pics, will post when I get a decent PC.

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The oat seed I planted turn out to be the new Striker hulless oat veriety. A very vigious growing oat with high forage potential. I'll be keeping my eye on these! The grain is as high of protein as corn, without the hull. Higher test weight than the traditional oat.

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Yes, green protein rich oats draw deer from miles off. Most plants are maturing, not as palletable. Young tender plants are needed, this time of year.These oats are meant to feed, not draw for hunting. The radish will do that.. Not uncommon to see 20 deer in a 2 acre field at dusk. I get some great quality deer pics, video in my observation platform. Bucks are looking for the protein as well as doe and young, this time of year. I try to improve habitat to increase the deer numbers, LOL.

Better feed mean bigger deer.

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The oat seed I planted turn out to be the new Striker hulless oat veriety. A very vigious growing oat with high forage potential. I'll be keeping my eye on these! The grain is as high of protein as corn, without the hull. Higher test weight than the traditional oat.




have you ever planted jerry, frank or morton oats?

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The oat seed I planted turn out to be the new Striker hulless oat veriety. A very vigious growing oat with high forage potential. I'll be keeping my eye on these! The grain is as high of protein as corn, without the hull. Higher test weight than the traditional oat.


Do you buy your oats online? how late can they be planted?

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I always plant my oats within the first couple of weeks September. Trying to leave the oats around 6-8+- inches tall by the end of the growing season.


I only use whitetail institute oats now(online or in store), they are so sweet and sugary its un real, I actually ate a couple pieces of the oats myself  ((while they were still green in January!!)) and they were pure sugar and sweet tasting. (just to see for myself of course) :)


I've bought generic brands like preferred seed and such, they all rotted out after first good frost. Never again.


Ill pay the extra few bucks every time, since I know they work so well

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