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Small Game Harvest Thread


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obviously coyotes for the decline ; )


I don't think so, I haven't seen one (a coyote) in this specific area yet, better chance of seeing a coyote where I was bowhunting or at my camp in NY. My theory is the woods wher I always squirrel hunted are changing, due to natural events (periodic flooding, denser foliage, different plant species emerging), bad acorn crop this year, and avian predators. Maybe I'm educating them by shooting at them all the time? Who really knows? I'll give it a couple more years and if things don't rebound, I'll move on to greener pastures.

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First Fox squirrel! I've been dreaming of getting one since I first heard about them, as a kid. I can't believe how big it is. Got him with my Grandpa's old Winchester model 12. This one's going on the wall, next to the big Grey & the Black. Stoked!!!

Sorry pics are upside down.



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