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Believe me, that design is literally decades ahead of the one that we had hanging on the livingroom wall. That one didn't just ring, but you had to listen for your own unique code. Our ring was 4 long and 3 short rings. You pulled the ear-piece out of the cradle on the side and talked into the horn that stuck out the front of the box. And that was considered hi-tech.


We still have an old black dial telephone wired into our land-line system. Had a great time laughing at my nephew trying to call his parents on it. He just stood there and stared at it not knowing where to even start....lol. "Stick your finger where and do what???"

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I never understood why Clark Kent would duck into a phone booth, to change into Super Man. The thing is made of glass, so everyone can see him changing. And what the hell did he do with his regular clothes?? Just leave them in the booth??

The guy could fly , stop bullets,breath ice , burn stuff with his eyes and see through stuff and you are curious what he does with his clothes?

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Our phone at home looked like a black dial phone, but did not have a dial on it...


We'd pick up the receiver  and the operator would come on the line and say " Number please"....


My home number was 242-M1.... My first love's number was 416-J...


We were on a party line, as were many people because private lines were more expensive...Our ring was one long...Neighbors  knew each other's rings and the local busybodys would pick up there phone and listen in on your conversation...


Of course with mine, usually all they would hear was heavy breathing....<<grin>>....

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