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Taking down ladder stands for the winter.


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I take down all my portable stands this year we bought more ladder stands for the property. 1 ladder stand was left out all year from last season. Before using it I did a complete inspection and it was ok except for some squeaks that needed to be fixed. I heard some guys just loosen up the main strap and leave them out? What's your position on this. I personally don't like that cloth strap out in the elements all year.

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I brave the snow and remove all me stands the day after ML ends, Im a stickler and change all the bolts every other season with type 8 bolts and nuts and test all straps underload before i use them again.

the only reason for this is my sons also use them and safety is never an option, its a standard.

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I leave my 2 person ladder stand out and check the straps before the season starts, if they need replaced, they get replaced. My small, more portable stands get pulled. The 2 person stand has been out there for going on 4 years and Ive added a couple of straps to it. Its going to get pulled this year because Ill be moving it for next season.

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I have 18 stands to pull from two farms during a few nice days here in January. They will be stored in a barn till August when they will be put back up. We check all metal components.  The straps  around the trees are replaced every two years or sooner if any are damaged. I use 5/16 chain with them for added safety and security.  I use 1200 lb. rachet straps on the ladders halfway up to the tree. They were new this year.  You can never be to safe.

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Over 30 ladder stands out. Most are the basic ladder stands, and a couple are the xl size platforms.

One stand has been out there since 2003, and never spent a day inside. The others are all various ages. Of course, there is the usual maintenance check, swapping straps, etc. each year, but I leave them out.

The original stand I have out, however, seems to be of much higher quality than the others (same brand, but less quality), and I doubt I'll get more than 10-15 years of life out of them. I'm fine with that, because the time spent pulling them each season, and the gas to do it, would be more than I paid for them on average.

Some stay in the same place...some move based on deer.

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