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Rifle Caliber- Which would you choose?


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Stick with the 30-06 round. You will do well with it with the ammo available.


Go for Nosler Partition in Federal Vital Shok. minimum of 150gr. or heavier grain loads that the rifle shoots good with..


I had a Savage 111 in 7MM with the wooden stock.  I purchased the fiber plastic stock for or whatever their called . Was not that expensive.

 This lightened the gun somewhat and the stock was really sharp looking in color black.  Savage accuracy with the new stock was great.


I just purchased a remington bolt action in 270 Winchester for my needs.  


The 30-06 will work just fine for you for all north American big game but I would leave the grizzly Bears to a heavier caliber.


good Luck,


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I'm flippin' the coin right now between .308 and 7-08 as an upgrade to the .243. Something with a little more downrange punch than the varmint/furbearer rig but still in the short-action family.

I have dies and an assortment of bullets for the .308, but the 7-08 intrigues me.



Not trying to derail the thread here. More like keep it going.

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You're really splitting hairs with this one. If I didn't own a 308 I wouldn't own a 7-08. The only reasons are versatility and availability even as a handloader having the ability to swing by most any shop and them have some 308's is a fact that can't be overlooked. Basllisticaly they are so similar that I am surprised the 7mm-08 is as popular as it is. All this being said there is something magical about the way the little 7-08 kills critters and to do it in light little rifles with an absence of recoil makes it one of my top 3 favorite deer cartridges.

Edited by Buckmaster7600
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I've seen several articles lately on the 260 Remington.  Although I have no experience with it I thought I'd throw it in here for fun. Here is an example from Field & Stream:


What is your thought on the 260 rem for whitetail? Too small? I was thinking of purchasing one.

By WA Mtnhunter 20 Jul 2009 10:29 am

The .260 Remington should be every bit as good of a deer rifle as a .243, .257 Roberts, .25-06, 6.5x55 Swedish, or 7mm-08 with a good bullet. Jim Carmicheal speaks very highly of their results. I have no personal experience with the .260 Rem, but since it is similar to other rounds I have used, it should be great.


Deer & Deer Hunting had a recent article too


Edited by peepsight
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For deer in NYS you could toss a ball cap over the 243, 260, 7mm-08 and 308, not a bad choice in the bunch!


I like them all and own 3/4 but have only killed with the 243 and 7mm-08.



So far.............


Nice to have choices .... isn't it? I've killed a bunch of deer with the 243 myself after using a 30-06 for yrs.

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For deer in NYS you could toss a ball cap over the 243, 260, 7mm-08 and 308, not a bad choice in the bunch!


I like them all and own 3/4 but have only killed with the 243 and 7mm-08.



So far.............

Larry...There goes your memory ! I happen to recall at least ONE deer that you killed with the .260 Rem.

You posted the picture on here..

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for the big game like that I would go with a 7 MM mouser [7x57] its flat and has a long reach with good knock down power

Yeah, Papa, and it knocks the CRAP outa those MICE, too !!!

Sorry, couldn't resist that one...<<grin>>...

Actually, the 7x57 and the 7mm08 are virtually ballistic twins with bullets up to 150 grains. The 7x57 has slight edge with 160 and 175 grain bullets because of longer case length.

Edited by Pygmy
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Given equal bullet weight, the 7mm08 is breathing right on the heels of the .270, velocity wise, and is burning 10 grains LESS powder doing it, with correspondingly less recoil and muzzle blast.

And the 7-08 does better with shorter barrels ????

The little 260 has always caught my attention it doesn't do anything better that any of the rest but it's right with them all with like bullet weights. I recently found a minty 7600 in 260 that will certainly get some field time next fall.

Edited by Buckmaster7600
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