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My Lab has hip issues..

Al Bundy

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I am really bummed. My lab started not wanting to walk up the stairs, or jump up into the car. If she did she made a howling noise, making it obvious she was in pain. I took her to the vet and he said both hips are inflamed and she needed anti inflammatory pills. Two weeks of no activity. How in the hell do you do this with a high energy lab?? I am real worried its hip dysplasia, though the breeder said they have never had a dog come back with hip issues. Shes only about 18 months. 


Other possible is lyme. I posted a few weeks ago about a fat full tick I found on her. I would rather it be lyme than dysplasia. She had her vaccine though and had frontline on her. Apparently frontline didn't work this time. 


Vet also said she could have torn the dog version of an ACL, but on both hips?


I take her back in a few weeks for a follow up and at that point a lyme test.  Not good...


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Y I can send in xrays between 24-26 months for the warrantee. I think first I will get the lyme test and if that comes back negative, it will be time for early xrays.  Poor dog. She is a great dog and I hope this is nothing more than a pulled muscle or strain of some sort. No duck hunting for us for a while.

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My Golden retriever that passed away on 2/20 last winter had really bad hips. When he was 10 months old he would no longer go up the stairs. It was really sad, he and I had become really attached. They did a procedure to him where they basically broke his hip and turned it making the hip socket tighter. I don't remember what it was called but there was a name for it. He had a rough couple weeks after the surgery, we had to walk him with a towel under him and he spent 2 or 3 weeks in a crate. Once they were healed they never bothered him again. He died of cancer about a week before turning 13 and was the best dog ever. I was worried he would get arthritis in his hips from the procedure but he never did. It was great and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again if I had to for a beloved dog.....

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She is doing well. Not much more yelping when moving around, but we been keeping her in the house, as per vets instructions. Two weeks of bed rest.  Follow up vet appointment here in a week or two and they will check the swelling in her hips. I hope the swelling is gone.  I read somewhere if the dog stretches too much they may pull a muscle or something. She stretches an awful lot and I am hoping this is all it is. That would be best scenario.

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