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Bow/muzzle loader tags


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Me either. Since I've never had to purchase an early season or late season privileges, I'm not 100% sure myself.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems




I buy them all so I don't pay attention, but I am pretty sure if you buy only bow, it includes late season for bow too.  Then ML is a separate late season privilege.

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Let me try this again. and I am talking about general SZ seasons. (NZ and the communist controlled areas down south not include...lol)


you buy bow privilege and you get an either sex that is valid for early special season OR late special season WITH A BOW. this is your first special privilege.


Then you buy your ML privilege. and you get an antlerless only tag that is valid in the LATE SPECIAL SEASON with a ML. Or is you are having a really good early  season then you can will it with your bow in the early season.  OR since you now have ML privilege you can fill them both in the late with the ML (or bow if you choose since you bought BOTH privileges and you can hunt with both weapons in their respected seasons.




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Let me try this again. and I am talking about general SZ seasons. (NZ and the communist controlled areas down south not include...lol)

you buy bow privilege and you get an either sex that is valid for early special season OR late special season WITH A BOW. this is your first special privilege.

Then you buy your ML privilege. and you get an antlerless only tag that is valid in the LATE SPECIAL SEASON with a ML. Or is you are having a really good early season then you can will it with your bow in the early season. OR since you now have ML privilege you can fill them both in the late with the ML (or bow if you choose since you bought BOTH privileges and you can hunt with both weapons in their respected seasons.

You are correct. ^^

This isn't that complicated.

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My understanding of the SZ licenses are that there are early season(bow) privilege, which comes with an either sex tag, then the regular season license, which comes with a buck tag, and then there's the late season privilege(ML/bow) which comes with its own tag as well.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


Almost correct.  The "early season(bow) privilege" is not just for the early season, it's also valid for the SZ late season which, as you said, which runs concurrently with the late season muzzleloader season.


Actually the first tag you buy either the bow or the muzzleloader will be an either sex tag.  


For example, if before any season opens you go buy your late mz tag it will be either sex, if the next day you buy the bow privilege it will be anterless and visa versa.  If you buy only one privilege, you get an either sex tag, if you buy both privileges you get an antlerless and either sex tag.


I you buy just the bow privilege it, as you said, is either sex and good for the early and late bow season.


I think we get confused because there is the early (considered regular) bow season and then the late bow which runs with the muzzleloader (late) season.

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It's half stated, if you buy bow license it is valid earl or late either sex, and if you purchase muzzleloader you get an anterless only vaid early and late, yes it valid early even if you shoot it with bow it is a "bought doe tag" valid anywhere in the state for all of bow season both early and late, I know many who but their muzzloader tag just for the anterless tag to be used during bow season letting them hold out for a buck .

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This is how it works first check the regs. book!
If you bought a bow tag you can hunt the early or late bow season that tag is an either sex tag. If you just bought a ML tag your tag was an either sex tag good for the ML season both early (northern zone) and late southern & northern zones you need to check the regs. to see if the WMU you are hunting in is doe or buck only. If you bought both a bow and ML tag you got an either sex and a antlerless tag and you can fill both in the bow or ML season. If you bought a bow tag and filled it then go out and buy a ML you will get an Antlerless tag you will not get an either sex tag. You can only shoot no more than 2 antlered deer in a year. If you did not fill your reg. season buck tag it becomes a either sex tag in the late southern zone bow ML season but you have to have bought  a bow or Ml hunting privilege to you your reg. tag. You just can’t use it without having bought one of those privileges.

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