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30-40 krag

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I have my grandfathers 30-40 krag. gun is in nice shape, clean bore, tight and functional all around. i thought it would be fun to shoot a deer with it but i'm not sure about using modern ammo in it. Any thoughts?

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I am going to assume your grandfather's  rifle is an 1898 model and that is what the vast majority of rifles are that are chambered in the 30 40 Krag cartridge. Because of the fact most rifles chambered in this cartridge are older and are of old design I believe all ammo loaded from the various commercial factories will have pressures at a safe level so you should have no problems.



Edited by airedale
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Airedale is correct as usual.  Any commercial factory loaded ammo will be fine.

Since the 30-40 Krag was never loaded with black powder, all rifles chambered in it are designed for modern smokeless powder loads.

As long as the rifle is in  good condition, it should be safe to fire with any factory loads. the only way you could get in trouble would be if you tried to hotrod it with hot handloads to turn it into something it was never designed to be.

The 30-40 is an excellent deer cartridge and has laid low many an elk and moose, too.

Enjoy your Grandaddy's rifle.

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I am also hoping to use a Krag this fall. The only ammo I found locally is Remington, which it handles just fine. I reload most everything, but doubt highly this gun will get much use to warrant it. Unfortunately ammo is about 40 a box of 20 at gander. I am sighting in for only about 75 yards, which is very well within my normal woods range, and also will go for only ideal shots....which I have the priveledge of waiting. for.

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