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Good time to be...

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Trimming and cutting trees....this is the time I do some serious trimming and cutting....the deer take full advantage of both the browse and the cover...not easy in this deep snow ...but it is worth the effort in helping them make it to the next thaw and gives me a head start on both plot work...where time spent needs to be concentrated on soil not trees.....and fire wood....get that wood drying and cut so all I need to do is haul and stack......Who's gotten their start?

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On my land, I am very active with my "TSI" Timber Stand Improvement work. In late December, I thinned about 2 acres in my deer wintering area. I cut down any deformed and Y shaped maples, and any other tree that has no market or wildlife value, I just leave straight stems for future harvest. The deer feed on the budding tops all winter and is a great help to get them through the tough times.

In other areas that I have cut over the last 6 years, a remarkable change has occured in the forest, the sun now has a chance to regenerate undergrowth which provides fantastic cover for wildlife, i.e., deer, grouse and rabbits, and this also enhances the growth rate of maketable timber.

After seeing the results of what I have been doing, my neighbor and friend are now doing the same on thier land. We check out each other's land every few months and notice a huge difference from the last visit. We are all seeing a dramatic increase in wildlife numbers and we are shooting larger bucks every year.

My wife thinks that I am nuts, but it is a labor of love!


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