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DICKs Rewards info


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Just a heads up for those that shop at DICKs Sporting Goods Store and use their rewards program . Once you collect 300 points you earn a $10 reward coupon that can be spent in the store . However , on the Saturday closest to January 31 of each year , whatever points you have accumulated , goes back to zero . You lose any accumulated points . 

Just a heads up for those that aren't aware of this happening . It is done every year . 

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Not sure why but I seem to lose points in the mail somehow. They still mail them to me. Personally I wish they would just let me choose when to use them. I feel there is a bit of trickery going on overall to encourage people to lose what they have accumulated.

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1 hour ago, fasteddie said:

Just a heads up for those that shop at DICKs Sporting Goods Store and use their rewards program . Once you collect 300 points you earn a $10 reward coupon that can be spent in the store . However , on the Saturday closest to January 31 of each year , whatever points you have accumulated , goes back to zero . You lose any accumulated points . 

Just a heads up for those that aren't aware of this happening . It is done every year . 

Nice heads up, I used up all my points for 2016, Thanks

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1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

my balance is at 503.  says i have enough for a reward but it doesn't say i have one.  says they'll let me know when my reward is ready.  probably waiting until later this month to reset it.

If you don't make any more purchases before the end of the month , you would get a $10 rebate slip and lose 203 points . 

I talked to one of the managers at Field & Stream yesterday and he said neither they or DICKs control the Points . He said a bank firm does . 

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