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"FREE" college tuition is going to cost every NY resident big time.

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I really want to see how this is going to work.  Does anyone have a link to the full requirements of how one is to get this free college tuition?  So the family income needs to be less than $125K?  Well $125K is not a small number and these people are not even close to the poverty line.  So Cuomo is expecting me to believe that a family earning lets say $115K per year, maybe own a house, have a decent amount in their savings and 401K will be given free college tuition for their kid(s) in state or city colleges?  I call BS to that!  I bet it won't happen.  There just has to be a lot of fine print on who will really qualify for this.  I'm sure the only people who will get anything here are the same ones who milk the system already in numerous different ways.  I can't see a hardworking family who earns even $80K getting anything free here.  This is all a BS scheme for Cuomo to win his third term.  The only thing the hardworking middle class will get is the shaft as always and nothing more here!

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As a college graduate in debt that would fall in the free category now...I'm pissed I still have to pay mine back (and do it proudly) bc I earned it. All this is going to do is make College degrees from NY a joke. This is unacceptable and hopefully king Andy is gone next time around.

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It's the Left's way of making sure they indoctrinate as many lemmings as possible.

Walter Williams: "The average American has little knowledge of the extent to which our institutions of higher learning have been infected with a spreading cancer. One aspect of that cancer is akin to the loyalty oaths of the 1940s and '50s. Professors were often required to sign statements that affirmed their loyalty to the United States government plus swear they were not members of any organizations, including the Communist Party USA, that sought the overthrow of the United States government. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down loyalty oaths as a condition of employment in 1964. Today we're seeing the re-emergence of the mentality that gave us loyalty oaths, in the form of mandating that faculty members write 'diversity statements,' especially as part of hiring and promotion procedures. ... The fascist college trend that we are witnessing today is by no means new. As early as 1991, Yale University President Benno Schmidt warned: 'The most serious problems of freedom of expression in our society today exist on our campuses. The assumption seems to be that the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and to liberate the mind.' What diversity oaths seek is to maintain political conformity among the faculty indoctrinating our impressionable, intellectually immature young people. Vladimir Lenin said, 'Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.' That's the goal of the leftist teaching agenda."

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2 hours ago, steve863 said:

I really want to see how this is going to work.  Does anyone have a link to the full requirements of how one is to get this free college tuition?  So the family income needs to be less than $125K?  Well $125K is not a small number and these people are not even close to the poverty line.  So Cuomo is expecting me to believe that a family earning lets say $115K per year, maybe own a house, have a decent amount in their savings and 401K will be given free college tuition for their kid(s) in state or city colleges?  I call BS to that!  I bet it won't happen.  There just has to be a lot of fine print on who will really qualify for this.  I'm sure the only people who will get anything here are the same ones who milk the system already in numerous different ways.  I can't see a hardworking family who earns even $80K getting anything free here.  This is all a BS scheme for Cuomo to win his third term.  The only thing the hardworking middle class will get is the shaft as always and nothing more here!

For fall of 2017 the threshold is 100K up to 125k in 2019. There is minimum GPA requirements to be maintained but ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTION ON THE CURRICULUM. (Insert favorite nonsense degree/program here like female middle eastern studies). Then the graduate must remain in the wonderful job market of NY for 4 years beyond graduation. if the GPA or after graduation requirements are not met the grant will be deemed as a loan and must be paid back. I haven't seen at what interest rate and have not seen any requirements to actually work in the field of the degree after graduation. 

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I wonder if this will be a little bit like medical insurance. When you get your bill, you see what the hospital charges, then you see what the insurance company has contracted. They are pretty big differences and yet the hospital agrees to it.

So lets say a SUNY school wants $5k a semester. NY says, you'll accept $2.5k from our qualifying students and like it. The schools going to want their margins back somehow and somewhere. Heck UB just cut a bunch of athletic programs before all this even happened.

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1 hour ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

For fall of 2017 the threshold is 100K up to 125k in 2019. There is minimum GPA requirements to be maintained but ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTION ON THE CURRICULUM. (Insert favorite nonsense degree/program here like female middle eastern studies). Then the graduate must remain in the wonderful job market of NY for 4 years beyond graduation. if the GPA or after graduation requirements are not met the grant will be deemed as a loan and must be paid back. I haven't seen at what interest rate and have not seen any requirements to actually work in the field of the degree after graduation. 

I tell you, I have a hard time believing that there isn't more fine print to all this.  There are a LOT of people falling under the $125K threshold in this state, and for the life of me I can't imagine that all these folks will now be able to send their kids to a state school for free.   Where the hell is the state going to get money to fund all this?  Yeah I know, they might increase our taxes, but I just don't think this is going to fly for very long if everyone and their uncle can now go to a state or city school for free!!



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The strictures and requirements to achieve free college under this scheme are going to tough for most. I suspect very few will actually make it through four years while maintaining the required gpa and the 15 credit hours per semster (5 courses). And then you can't leave the state for 4 years even if there is no job at the end

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Requirements are as follows:


The student must maintain 30 credit hours a year, earn a GPA sufficient for on-time

graduation, and agree to live and work in New York State upon graduation for the same

duration that a student received an Excelsior Scholarship. If a student meets all other

requirements but fails to maintain 30 credits, that student will receive the award for the

first semester of that year but will be ineligible for future payments. Failure to reside in

the state will convert the grant into a loan.

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18 minutes ago, Papist said:

Requirements are as follows:


The student must maintain 30 credit hours a year, earn a GPA sufficient for on-time

graduation, and agree to live and work in New York State upon graduation for the same

duration that a student received an Excelsior Scholarship. If a student meets all other

requirements but fails to maintain 30 credits, that student will receive the award for the

first semester of that year but will be ineligible for future payments. Failure to reside in

the state will convert the grant into a loan.

I thought I read somewhere that it was 2 years, but 4 is better. The funny thing about loans is that people don't always pay them. So when you don't pay tuition, you don't get a diploma. But just defaulting on your loan might ruin your credit but your diploma stays and so does your debt with the NY tax payers.

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I see a comparison to some of the public high school problems. Now NYS colleges will be filled with misfits and partyers taking advantage of college life because they have no "skin" in the game. Goof-offs, and disrupters, and much, much worse will fill the classrooms because it allows a couple of more years of free playtime before they actually have to go out and get a job. But what the heck, we can just lower the standards so all these free-loaders can get a degree. Wonderful .....eh?

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4 hours ago, Doc said:

I see a comparison to some of the public high school problems. Now NYS colleges will be filled with misfits and partyers taking advantage of college life because they have no "skin" in the game. Goof-offs, and disrupters, and much, much worse will fill the classrooms because it allows a couple of more years of free playtime before they actually have to go out and get a job. But what the heck, we can just lower the standards so all these free-loaders can get a degree. Wonderful .....eh?

any misfit or partier would lose their credit and either repay or get kicked out. there is gpa requirements. I started rough at UB as an engineer. Never had to study in HS. I'm actually glad I wasn't in this program because I needed that freshman year to get my ass in gear. Having the pressure to maintain a gpa might have had the reverse affect on me. idk...

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There are NO GPA requirements.  All that is required is a passing grade in the course.  A GPA of 1.0 will pass most courses.

That does give the professors extortion ability though.  (If you don't please me, you don't pass and you pay the bill.)  During the 60's a lot of male students were threatened with failure and possible drafting by the military, if they pissed off a prof.  Why do you think so many were glad to protest the war in Nam?  They didn't want to fail any classes.

BTW, I also heard Cuomo has told the private colleges he is going to increase their subsidies at taxpayer expense, so they don't need to worry about losing money when enrollments fall off there.

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19 minutes ago, Rattler said:

There are NO GPA requirements.  All that is required is a passing grade in the course.  A GPA of 1.0 will pass most courses.


idk about that. You could not stay enrolled in UB with a GPA under 2.0. And honestly, passing is passing. I have a bunch of friends who goofed off and didn't pass. Even to get a 2.0 requires some focus.

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