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Please say a prayer


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Please say a prayer for my uncle, a long time hunting buddy and my Godfather. He has been battling liver/heart issues for sometime and it has now got the best of him. What a strong man to endure the pain and suffering, sticking it out all these years for his family. My heart bleeds for my 2 cousins that will soon  loose their father, there's nothing else I can say or do but to be there for them. He was rushed to hospital this week and Dr.s say they can't do anything else for him but to keep him comfortable. I'm afraid he won't live this week out, I just hope God takes him peacefully to end his pain. I had to take a walk from work as I'm tearing up as I type this. Life is not easy as we get older and a lot of our loved ones begin to pass..thx for listening.

Right on brother!!!! My prayers are on d way!!!! I pray restoration and strength for you and the family!!!

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