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Great season so far!!


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Started off missing a monster bird on the second day of season and figured thats how my season was going....Well on the first sunday I drilled this double bearded tom (20lb 3/4 spurs and a 9 inch and 7 inch beard)when he followed 3 hens to his death!!!Then the next sunday I got this nice tom(19 pounds 8 inch beard and 1 inch spurs) in front of my nephew.Then last friday I punched my final tag with a real big bird (22 pounds 1 1/8 spurs and a 10.5 beard) The first hunt was one of my best days ever spring hunting with all the action as I had 2 toms within range and one hen that was 3 foot to the right of me when I pulled the trigger.Reeds bird was a great day also as the fog that rolled in let us close the distance and I was able to teach him when you get a chance you better do your best to capitalize on it.We snuck up to the field he was roosted next to and was able to get set up without him or his harem seeing us.Half hour later he was flooping on the ground!! The last hunt was a real fun one also because I hunted till 8 without a gobble or a sight of a bird even a hen.I was on my way to work when I drove past a field I have permission to hunt and saw the tom and 2 hens on the edge,so I snuck down the backside and got on the edge of the field.As I closed the gap I saw a hens head in the field.She didn't spoke but I was somewhat in the open and standing.The other hen then ran her off and from what I can tell the tom had no clue where they went because he started gobbling his head off.One call on my diaphram and he was in route.....with me still standing.He made it to 50 yard and strutted for a few mins, then he walked into the woods to try and get behind me but because I was standing I was able to get in position.When he closed the distance to 30 yards 2oz's of shot ended his walk.I am heading out this weekend to see if I can get reed to punch his last tag...be safe and good luck y'all!!








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