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2017/2018 HuntingNY Predator Kill Thread

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Post up pics of your 2017 - 2018 Predator kills here!

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Killed third day of deer season , right after killing my buck . 7Mm08 , 20 yard shot ,120 gr Fusion . Second  I've killed from a deer stand , may even try to coyote hunt now .


Edited by Stay at home Nomad
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Up to 9 fox so far(5 greys & 4 reds). 3 of the greys are from just this week. Should have had more fox and a couple yotes this weekend, but we wont rehash the screw-ups lol.
Here's a few of em.41c4e01f87f33059ef232c80086ad96b.jpg47593ce76267ec3bb718fe239a674bc2.jpge3ff1729fd75141e692918810957f27e.jpg

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My hunting partner and Il went on our farm property, late this afternoon. Our first set upl I called in a double, just using the flextone rabid rabbit. My buddy dropped his. I rolled mine, but we couldn't find it. 135 yards out. Had sporadic blood for 300 yards. Pretty sure it was a high grazing hit, my bad. Fun hunt though!20160103_132738.thumb.jpg.fe11fe3e9d53733b0c2f925793939261.jpg

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This evening was my second coyote hunt. I set up my decoy and e-caller at about 100 yards away from a ladder stand I set up on my dads property in 8Y.  This was my first time using this caller and I hit the remote just around 5:15 to make sure the range was ok.  I set the wounded cotton tail call, and it worked, so I decided to wait more till dusk.  All of the sudden, he came trotting in around 60 yards in front of me, and went to check the decoy, he stopped, and turned, looked around and began to walk back into the woods...that’s when I took the shot, and dropped him instantly.  My first coyote, nice big male!


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Shot this 20-ish lb female October 21st. Came in 1 minute after a couple long howls on the Randy Anderson Hot Dog howler. She hung up just over the knoll before she was in range to shoot and starting pacing back and forth, not wanting to fully commit. I played vole squeaks on low and my hunting partner turned the intensity of the light way down just enough to barely see the eyes. She circled the call and it put her into my view and I dropped her in her tracks at 130 yds w my 22-250.





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Since fox season has come to a close, I thought I would share our success this year. We hunt Broome and Tioga counties. Between the heavy winds and my hunting partner and I trading off sicknesses all season, we only got to hunt 15 nights for fox. However, we’ve seen fox every night we’ve gone and have gotten multiple doubles this year. I’m thinking I finally got the hang of calling in fox! It’s also worth noting that we only call 2-3 stands a night.

The last two months, we’ve only called one pair of fox in with prey distress sounds; the rest of the fox were all called in using fox distress. You’ll notice we killed mostly greys.... a lot of which were in “red fox rich” locations. I do all the calling and my hunting partner loves to pick on me, saying that I could go to the red fox capital of the world and be the only one to call in all greys!


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