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Deer Search WNY seminar 2/24 in West Falls, NY


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27 minutes ago, sodfather said:

Thanks for posting can't believe they  got 170 calls in 1 region .

Actually not surprising with the amount of archers i talk to during season that dont practice.These are the guys that pull out the bag 2 days before season, shoot a few arrows and say they are ready, then they proceed to tell you about the 40 and 50 yard shots they have taken and can't understand why they wound animals.

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12 minutes ago, 52 farmer said:

Actually not surprising with the amount of archers i talk to during season that dont practice.These are the guys that pull out the bag 2 days before season, shoot a few arrows and say they are ready, then they proceed to tell you about the 40 and 50 yard shots they have taken and can't understand why they wound animals.

Thats an excellent point. I have a few guys at work that hunt during archery and i can't get them to shoot at all before the season starts. I would imagine between that and the jack offs emptying their guns at a deer would contribute to poor shots.  

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4 hours ago, goosifer said:

I'm planning on attending. If you are also planning on attending, post in this thread. Would be nice to meet some fellow board members at this event.

I think I’m attending my daughter goes there for Leo’s and know a lot of the guys . I’m just not %100 as of yet

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Nice presentation. I should have brought my distance glasses to better see the projector slides. Nice group of folks. They talked about the history and process of deer search, a fair amount about figuring out what kind of shot you have based on hair, etc. and when to pull out and when to push. They also had A LOT of great stories. Unfortunately, I had to leave before it was finished. They talked about membership options, including associate memberships. I will need to look into that. It sounds like a worthy and selfless cause that benefits all hunters.


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Some tips I can remember from the presentation that some might find useful:

If you do a grid search for a wounded deer before you call deer search, it will take the dog a while to figure out which scent it's supposed to follow. So not saying don't do it, just saying be aware that will delay the deer search process.

Don't clean off the arrow.

Mark where you last saw the deer. If you can, stay in your stand and guide someone to the spot, rather than you walking to where you think the spot is.

Once an hour has passed, it is OK if it rains. The scent will stay in the ground enough for the dogs.

If you have bone fragments on the arrow/where the shot was, you have a leg shot. You should push the deer to make them bleed out. Don't wait like a gut shot. (This one was new to me.)

Make sure you answer all of their questions completely and honestly. They are like Sherlock Holmes figuring out what happened, with the right information.

Remember they are volunteers, be respectful, patient and thankful for their time. 


Edited by goosifer
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