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Trump tariffs on EU and China good or bad?

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19 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

The Dow sure didn't like it today.

Yea, but for all we no that is mostly  Chinese money being pulled out not other investors. 

I don't really know if it is a good thing or a bad thing but at least he is trying to keep up on his campaign promises that was one of the things he talked about doing. 

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2 hours ago, Storm914 said:

Trumps  tariffs on China good or bad? 

Just wondering what people think  about it .

Has to be bad since just about EVERYTHING we buy comes from China. The only good that may come from it is we may create jobs to make it here like we use to in the good old days.

Farmers are already complaining because exporting to China is a big part of their income, but either way; in one form or another it is going to cost us more to buy just about anything.

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15 minutes ago, Steve D said:

Has to be bad since just about EVERYTHING we buy comes from China. The only good that may come from it is we may create jobs to make it here like we use to in the good old days.

Farmers are already complaining because exporting to China is a big part of their income, but either way; in one form or another it is going to cost us more to buy just about anything.

All what you say probably is true but should we really be so dependent on buying stuff on a country like China that has no real freedom ? And could be a enemy in the future. 

Its kinda of a dam if you do and dam if dont kinda of thing . I guess if it don't work out you could always dial it  back .



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1 minute ago, Storm914 said:

All what you say probably is true but should we really be so dependent on buying stuff on a country like China that has no real freedom ? And could be a enemy in the future. 

I agree 100%...we should be making it here instead of somewhere else but our dilemma is all the billions of dollars we(the US)  have in debt is owed to china. Like going to your bank to ask for a loan and telling the loan officer he/she looks like an orangutan:



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1 hour ago, Steve D said:

I agree 100%...we should be making it here instead of somewhere else but our dilemma is all the billions of dollars we(the US)  have in debt is owed to china. Like going to your bank to ask for a loan and telling the loan officer he/she looks like an orangutan:



When I was a kid use to be a bunch of factorys around here  now all gone to China. 

All so we can save a few cents or a 1 or 2  dollars probably that is all it really works out to per product  . Is it really worth it ?  Pretty soon  we are going to wake up and China is going to just buy the White House and Congress :)  with  all that money we give  to  them for there cheep products lol 


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10 hours ago, Steve D said:

our dilemma is all the billions of dollars we(the US)  have in debt is owed to china

To continue on our current path we will just keep adding billions and billions of more debt to China, I say it has to be stopped and we need to get back to manufacturing our own stuff, screw China!


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1 hour ago, airedale said:

To continue on our current path we will just keep adding billions and billions of more debt to China, I say it has to be stopped and we need to get back to manufacturing our own stuff, screw China!

I agree 100 % even though it means we will be paying more for everything.

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The loss of the steel industry in America is the root cause of many problems in society today. When they closed Manu good paying jobs were lost. Forcing both parents to work to make ends meet. Or moving out of state to work. This cause the fracturing of the family unit. 

Gone was the stay at home parent teaching children their morals and values. Gone was the possibility of having the grand parents watch their grand kids while the parents worked as they were no living out of town or state. Children were/are sent to day care, or plopped in front of tv or video games.. these became the teachers of morals.and ethics.

So yes they are a good thing,yes it will hurt economy for awhile. But forcing the return of manufacturing to the USA in the long term is a very good thing.. I'd like to see them raised every few years. Really there is no reason for us to buy a foreign product. We have nearly 400million workers and buyers in this county.  And can be very self suffient. The rest of the world needs us we don't need them.. j apan recognised this decades ago and built plants in the USA for their automobiles fearing2 we would of done this back in the 80s.. we didn't and now look at our problems..

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12 hours ago, philoshop said:

Trump is fighting back. The previous four presidents didn't do that. We'll take a few lumps in the fight, it's the nature of fighting, but we can win. And we will win.

While I am sure not using China to make all products is going to make things more but what know one knows is how much more I think it is  a bunch of fear mongering  

We don't buy things like tvs and toasters every day so what if it cost a little more for them  when you do buy one. 

At least that is the way i see it .

Nothing is free anyway we buy cheep crap from China at the cost of good paying jobs and blowing up are debt. 

So what good is it in the long run .


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