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Nolt's in Lowville is also very good.  I think they charge around $ 48 to cut and wrap an average sized deer.  They have a big cooler.  They are closed on Sundays, but open the rest of the week.   If they were closer to western NY, I would never process another deer myself.  All the joints around here get at least $ 75 for the job.  I will certainly never bring another one back unprocessed from up north, after all the tics I had to deal with on the last buck I brought home and processed myself. 

My in-laws live up there now, so dropping off a deer at Nolt's, or picking up the processed meat is no big deal for them, whenever I kill it.  I could not take that last buck to Nolt's, because we were driving home on a Sunday, and that was before they had moved up there.   It usually takes them 10 days to complete your processing, after rifle season opens, (they are quicker and less busy during archery and ML).  My in-laws live about 45 minutes north-east of them, and it is well worth the drive.  There is a very good supply store with the same name next door, so they are always looking for an excuse to drive down there. 

They also do bears at a reasonable rate.  There was a fat one next to a pile of deer in the skinning shed, on a very warm late morning during ML season, when I dropped a doe off there a couple years ago.  I dropped her off on Monday and they had her done and packaged (all ground except the backstraps and tenderloins) (5) days later on Saturday, so I could pick up the meat on my drive home.   

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